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18 juil. Love and DNA 4. This is a print of my original watercolor and gouache painting of a humpback whale and a girl making a connection between barriers of land and sea. But did you know there is a theory gaining popularity which questions this?

Image : Edmond Halley avec un schéma illustrant ses Théories de la Terre creuse..,né le 8 novembre 1656 à Haggerston dans le borough de Hackney à Londres, mort le 14 janvier 1742 à Greenwich, est un astronome et ingénieur britannique..premier à avoir déterminé la périodicité de la comète de 1682, qu'il fixa par calcul à 76 ans environ. At the same, we welcome any recommendations you may have which we should be aHollow Earth: OPENINGS SOLAR, two new continents and Civilization intraterrestrial Why Earth is flattened at the poles? The desire to Serve 3. #1 Most Vie...It has been claimed the Earth’s middle has its own Sun and is roamed by “monstrous animals resembling the mammoth”The North and South Poles are ‘No Flight Zones,’ so one must ask the question, ‘Why?’. Le 29 juin 1927, il réalise sur un Fokker F.VIIa/3m baptisé "America" un vol transatlantique de New York à Ver-sur-Mer 1. Why no one has ever reached the poles? ?utilisateurs de Pinterest sont abonn??s. Por lá você encontra dicas para uma vida maisBlack Ice: David Blackwood Prints of Newfoundland | AGO Art Gallery of OntarioFeast your eyes on a stunning, hand-illustrated star chart from 1670.Finding abstract compositions in nature, Tideland, a new series from photographer David Batchelder, captures the beautiful shifting patterns and pigments of the tidal regions of beaches on Isle of PalmsFinding abstract compositions in nature, Tideland, a new series from photographer David Batchelder, captures the beautiful shifting patterns and pigments of the tidal regions of beaches on Isle of PalmsFinding abstract compositions in nature, Tideland, a new series from photographer David Batchelder, captures the beautiful shifting patterns and pigments of the tidal regions of beaches on Isle of PalmsEver since humans have felt the primal pull of distant shores, the sea has been integral to the way we travel and do business. See more ideas about Moebius art, National geographic photo contest and Mysterious skin. ### **Chat With Anu** 1. Whales trulyMarc e Angel são dois escritores que mantém um blog de mesmo nome (Marc and Angel Hack Life, em inglês). It was AFTER he reported his incredible discoveries in Tibet about the secret tunnel to Wilhem II that he was then tasked…Antarctica Secret Frequency Weapon Cover-Up? Entrance To Hollow Earth? Voir plus d'id? ?es sur le th? This video-series consists of 32 video-interviews in which they give insight into why and how they created us and their perspectives on what they have realised about themselves. ?me Terre creuse, Civilisation, Les aliens. Whales play such a huge role in our oceans ecology and sometimes we forget that such large magnificent creatures share this planet with us. May 12, 2016 - Explore camillalugan's board "TERRE CREUSE" on Pinterest. UFO, disclosure, conspiracy, paranormal,Among the groundbreaking disclosures forwarded by Edward Snowden to humanity, one speaks of the possibility of the inner earth being populated by an adv...Does anyone know the story referenced by this picture?

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The government also hired Richard Cruzen as part of the task force to help Admiral Byrd training personnel at the research base on…The German “Tibet expedition” Wilhelm Filchner was a German explorer born in 1877. Why didn’t we learn about these areas in school? Where…Conspiracy-Corner.com: Paranoia has never been so convenient....High strangeness abounds.

This is the first public...The 'science' of Hollow Earth that explains the many misconceptions, disinformation and censorship of this fascinating subject, complete with videos, links and resource material.Our featured collection of bestselling books from new, used to rare/out of print. Why are these zones forbidden? One which suggests that what lies underneath may be more than...Operation Highjump. What it is that the government doesn’t want us to see? Four reptilian beings known as 'The Annunaki' were responsible for the design and creation of the human. UFO Alien 12/17/2016 Mysterious Antarctica – The World's Best Kept Secret? C'est en 1928 qu'il lance sa première expédition dans l' Antarctique avec deux navires et … ?Hollow earth???? Scribd es red social de lectura y publicación más importante del mundo. During this secretive mission, grand admiral Richard Byrd led a team of military personnel in an Antarctic expedition at the south poles. Adolf Hitler awarded him the German National Prize for Art and Science as an acknowledgement of his achievements in exploration. No cheating!Reptilians, or Lizard People, are humans with reptilelike features, and they're found in many aspects of mythology, from the Greek god Boreas, a man with serpent legs, to Chinese dragon kings.Découverte et présentation d'Agartha et autres mythes de la Terre creuse.

Reptilian GOD as Master Manipulator 2.