Some Hutu still utter the same hate speeches against the Tutsi as it was before 1994, and also, they embark on a change that is based mainly on Hutu benefits than the Rwandan cause. The truth must be told, if there has to be peace and reconciliation of all Rwandans. Sexual violence against Tutsi women was also widespread, and the
They did who was a Tutsi and who was not, all they needed was to kill a good number of Hutus. At this time and era, the solution to the Rwandan problem is to tell the truth about what exactly happened in our country during those killings, more especially who killed who, and when. The killer commando’s or RPA Technicians as they were called, were easily penetrated into RPF cells throughout the country, The commandos under direct orders of Nyamwasa’s DMI were directed to kill MRND opposition leaders, do other random killings and then to blame it on the government which was already targeting some moderate opposition leaders and Tutsis. Both the Germans and Belgians turned the Tutsis into symbols of colonial rule for the Hutu who were the majority. All these are evidences of how much hate Kagame has for the Hutu ethnic people, and those words spoken by a leader automatically represents his thoughts. With the growing insecurity, Kigali government instead of working on the solutions to stop the war, which was to recognize the children of Rwanda who were fighting to come back home; this having been the very cause of the problems, But the MRND Government concentrated their efforts on perpetrating ethnic hatred, they intensified their sensitization program on hate for the Tutsi people. However, there is no option, the fact that the Hutus were also killed in the genocide is obvious and can’t be concealed.
As we remember the victims of the genocide, I have a few recommendations to share as follows;1. Other sites Used to kill the Hutu people during that very period between April,1994 and December,1995 were first established by Gen. Patrick Nyanvumba when he was appointed a Commanding officer for RPA 1 In this period when we mourn for our lost ones in the Genocide of the Tutsis, all Rwandans; Hutus, Tutsis and Twa’s should focus on these historical facts of the killings based on ethnic differences and forge towards reconciliation and total unity.
Carrying with them whatever kind of weapons they could, they cordoned and hunted for the remnants of the RPA soldiers, in the late days of the first phase of the war’ Oct, Nov and December, 1990. In most cases, the Hutu population were directly involved with the FAR in fighting the RPA soldiers.
That’s how vividly, the act of Genocide was prepared way ahead of time, well-coordinated and perpetrated towards its thorough execution.
Hence, the medicine to the Rwandan problems is sour, but it has to be tolerated and be administered, if Rwanda is to recover from its bad history.
After the takeover of Kigali, and probably in a period of a year and a half after; Kagame/Nyamwasa DMI network in collaboration with a few special officers from the clique like Jack Nziza and others started a new wave of Hutu killings, the killings that in most cases took even many Tutsi genocide survivors because when they were gathering them, they deceived that they were being recruited into the military or told that they were moving them to safety. Kagame himself made hate comments against the Hutu people on several occasions, an example is when the Hutu refugees were crossing into DR Congo, then Zaire in 1994. There is obvious inequality in every life aspect. Also, the hate ideology by the majority Hutu population from outside Rwanda, has not changed from what it was before the genocide, if you talk or try to understand them, it’s evident that people are harboring a grudge for a revenge against RPF Tutsis having come in by force of arms and won the war in 1994. I stand with all Rwandans in remembering our lost ones, please continue to be strong within these unusual times of Covid 19 pandemic, let’s work and pray hard that the killings should never happen again, and put everything under care of the Almighty in prayers. Therefore, with no doubt, the Hutu and their masters believed, it was right to persecute and expel these unwanted people who did not belong to Rwanda.
I suggest that demonstration drills about how genocide was committed should also be stopped, because it revives the emotions of the genocide to the survivors and the relatives of the victims, all that may cause adverse phycological effects to the society. These class differences started during the 19th century, were exacerbated by colonization, and exploded at the end of the 20th century. Tens of thousands of the youth from the displaced population camp were joined to the notorious Interahamwe MRND youth wing and other Hutu youth wing groups, and all were well prepared for the cleansing of the Tutsi, if Rwanda Patriotic Army would attempt to advance towards taking over the city of Kigali.