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When he can't see or you are hiding in the stall then he takes a nap but if you make a noise he will wake up and will chase you if he sees you.

The Protagonist must hide or escape from Rod and avoid getting caught. When Dexter tries to catch a drop of it, instead, he ends up having a quarter on his tongue, and more quarters fall on him. The next day, Dexter tries to catch the ice cream truck with his giant magnet. Rod seems to be an evil person, as he freezes chubby kids and kills them without feeling any remorse or guilt for his actions. He had not remembered the reason, so the ice cream man tells him about it: Last year on April 19, he had a great job until Dexter came. When Dexter got in, he asked the mailman to chase after the ice cream truck.

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He's the best friend to Charlie, he looks outside the window and sees Charlie getting kidnapped by Rod. (Except when Charlie gets captured because J. saw it all.) His goal is to catch J.

If the Protagonist does, Rod will grab the Protagonist and freeze them, resulting them in getting captured and make them lose an attempt. Lis, Charlies sister has been Kidnapped by Rod and J needs to Save her. Identity. Which means that he's psychotic. Rod is the main antagonist of Ice Scream. Wikis like this one depend on readers getting involved and adding content. He can only be seen unmasked in flash backs as a 15 year old and in concept art during the credits of the secret ending of Ice Scream 3 .He has a white t-shirt with a dirty dark blue apron with a nametag reading "Rod". He demands immediate ice cream money from his father, who turns out to have none; however, he performs the money-out-of-ears trick on him.

Dexter runs to the ice cream on people's heads, but the ice cream truck drives off and the people in the line separate from them. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Ice Cream Scream is the third part of the 14th episode of season 2 in Dexter's Laboratory.

Dexter gets a grip of the ice cream truck and asks the ice cream man why he won't stop for Dexter. A sequel named Ice Scream 3 was Released March 13th 2020

1 Description 2 Personality 3 Trivia 4 Gallery Rod seems to be a middle-aged man. Due to the late penny counting, the ice cream man lost his apartment for being late to pay his rent, his girlfriend left him, he lost his car, and he was forced to live under a freeway with wild animals. Ice Scream is a multi-media series by Deep-Sea Prisoner.

When he sees the Protagonist, he will chase and play a chilling chase theme. Daniel Joshua "J." Description.

The ice cream man tried to make suggestions of cheaper ice cream, but Dexter refused, so he got his Major Glory Deluxe Popsicle and paid his $16 in pennies.

Dexter was hoping it would work on the ice cream truck after the test on the paperboy. When he gets outside, the ice cream truck had driven off, and he sees that other children have gotten ice cream (including his sister Dee Dee, who had gotten a chocolate popsicle that was dripping. Dexter apologizes about the penny incident (but not before saying he still has his deciduous teeth) and the ice cream man forgives him, so now Dexter decides to buy a Chocolate Popsicle.

The next day, Dexter uses his harpoon on the ice cream truck and rides on a sled while hooked up. The worst part is that he can't eat anymore ice cream because of the pain of his tooth and blamed Dexter and his pennies and screamed in anger. and when you start Ice Scream 2.

He has a mascot head on him, which hides his true face. Rod seems to be a middle-aged man.

On the way, the ice cream man swerves to make the mail truck fall over a cliff. The ice cream man gives Dexter the ice cream he requested. It originally aired on October 15, 1997.

When Dexter demands she move it, she snaps at him. It took the ice cream man 5 hours and 33 minutes to count the pennies. Ice Scream 2 was Released 17th December 2019.

He tests it on the paperboy and it works. He noticed his shoe was untied, but he can't stop to tie it because he is prohibited by the regulations to do any action that has nothing to do with putting the money in the safe, so he tripped and fell and broke his tooth that caused tremendous pain. Dexter requested for the most expensive ice cream of the truck, the Major Glory Deluxe Popsicle which costs $16. In this episode, Dexter attempts to get an ice cream truck to stop for him, but to no avail. The next day, Dexter tests his invention on gluing coins on his hands to pay for the ice cream on the ice cream truck.