Ikaz Boi, de son prénom Zaki, est un beatmaker, compositeur et producteur français d'origine marocaine né le 1er octobre 1990, originaire de La Roche-sur-Yon.
Ikaz Boi popular mp3, Ikaz Boi popular albums, Ikaz Boi statics. Facing an almost forgotten past, he reminds and rediscover the person he really is.Member of the Nowadays Records family since 2017, Ténéré will present 'Be My Guest' in 2020, his first long lenght project after two years of remarkable singles.
Qobuz 28.5k Followers, 169 Following, 3 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from (@ikazboi) All these thoughts and intense moments for one simple goal: to feel as free as ever. Né Zaki Ghafir à La Roche-sur-Yon en 1990, le producteur rap français Ikaz Boi offre ses services à plusieurs rappeurs de la scène hexagonale des années 2010, de Damso à Hamza en passant par Jazzy Bazz, 13 Block ou Ateyaba, mais fait également ses classes depuis Toronto le temps d'une série de titres pour les très en vue Vic Mensa, Quavo ou Travis Scott. It will gather previous afro-electronic releases « Enough Is Enough », « Lockdown Groove » and many surprises.After spreading several music videos and EPs all year long, Jumo starts the decade with a first much anticipated album. He is now remixing La Fine Equipe new track.About to drop a new project, Kultur teases us with “Trust“, keeping a cloudy vibe with less rhythmics to make space for his voice, which will be more and more present on the upcoming tracks. Their mission: To usher in a new age - the 5th seasonAfter “Périodes Aléatoires” and “Que des gens de passage”, Jumo is signing a come back with a new 3 songs’ EP. Symbol of purity, it is at the core of ourselves that we get back when we feel overwhelmed by darkness. In February 2015, they published the precursor to their mixtape, entitled En attendant Demoniak. Né Zaki Ghafir à La Roche-sur-Yon en 1990, le producteur rap français Ikaz Boi offre ses services à plusieurs rappeurs de la scène hexagonale des années 2010, de Damso à Hamza en passant par Jazzy Bazz, 13 Block ou Ateyaba, mais fait également ses classes depuis Toronto le temps d'une série de titres pour les très en vue Vic Mensa, Quavo ou Travis Scott. To a small group of resistance fighters, La Fine Equipe and the heir to the ancient sceptre, Fakear, only the prophesied return of the celestial bee provides a glimmer of hope. The dance influences, mixed with Lia’s vulnerable writing and incredible delivery, recreates some sorts of scene where everything is happening fast, a flash through a relationship between two people going from places to places without having to say a word.Several months after the release of his 3 tracks EP “Space Romance”, Alter Real is back with “Blue Comet”, a six tracks opus combining “Space Romance” and three exclusive tracks including a featuring with Illa J.After a mysterious intro, this track mixes punchy rhythmics, powerful bass, dreamy textures and a light and heady voice melody.
Hamza: Bad Days (2019). This track combines dark textures and energetic rhythms with garage influences. Qobuz Qobuz He shares his grief, dejected and defeated, on the ground, leaning on one last rock. 9.1K likes. Hamza: High (2016) and Ikaz Boi Feat. Far from the city.The landscape is devastated, only a small robot survived. Il commence ainsi à placer pour des rappeurs peu connus à l'époque comme Pendant longtemps, à “défaut” d'être et d'avoir été beaucoup trop influencé, il se sent musicalement perdu, sans savoir vers quelle direction se diriger. Qobuz