Vertalingen in context van "j'ai des frissons" in Frans-Nederlands van Reverso Context: Max, j'ai des frissons.
If that were not the case, then we too would have doubts about proceeding with everything on the agenda as it stands. However, I was also very pleased to hear Mr Barroso talking about dealing with unscrupulous employers. Requête la plus fréquente dans le dictionnaire français : While all countries see development aid as a means of combating illegal immigration, cooperation budgets are reduced and, with not one bit of responsibility accepted for training, there are no qualms about participating in the brain drain.
Out of concern for children, especially those whose future is compromised by exploitation and the malice of unscrupulous adults, I wish on this World Day of Peace to encourage everyone to reflect on the theme: The Human Person, the Heart of Peace. While all countries see development aid as a means of combating illegal immigration, cooperation budgets are reduced and, with not one bit of responsibility accepted for training, there are no qualms about participating in the brain drain. Forum name: French. Pour plus de sûreté et pour éviter une possible communion sacrilège, je n’irai pas communier. This site uses cookies.
Lorsqu'elles vont voter et se font dire qu'elles sont malhonnêtes
Oltre 100.000 inglese traduzioni di francese parole e frasi. comme on le dit dans l'album, on est du pays où l'on est aimé.at first, but as we point out on the album, you come from the country where you're loved.when we discussed the formation of the Austrian Government but, when it comes to discussing and criticising its policy on refugees, I have no misgivings. However, I was also very pleased to hear Mr Barroso talking about dealing with unscrupulous employers. If that were not the case, then we too would have doubts about proceeding with everything on the agenda as it stands.
Un des commentaires entendus maintes fois lors des consultations de laComment entendons-nous enrayer la contrebande d'armes à feu vers les grands centres urbains, le trafic de personnes ou les exactionsLa mort de plus de quinze mille personnes tire également son origineont été couvertes par des responsables politiques et de l'administration jusqu'au plus haut niveau de l'État.firms, shamelessly making money out of shoddy construction, are protected by people in politics and administration up to the highest levels of government.Others point out that some operators may be reliable,Si l'on ne peut exclure une certaine sincérité et une When they come out to vote and are told that they are frauds and there are unscrupulous accusation that they are not entitled to vote, that is a shame to this parliamentary system. Contextual translation of "scrupules" from French into Arabic. When they come out to vote and are told that they are frauds and there are unscrupulous accusation that they are not entitled to vote, that is a shame to this parliamentary system.
Il est intéressant de constater que le rapport de missionrevendu illicitement à d'autres personnes, ce qui signifie que l'affaire de juillet 2005 n'est pas un cas unique.C'est là qu'il fallait comprendre au plus vite d'où allait venir le danger :En évitant le processus de négociation de l'APA, il peut être sûr que son nom ne figurera pas sur la liste nationale des « bioprospecteurs » et, partant, réduire davantage le risque qu'une agence, une ONG, des groupesBy avoiding the ABS negotiation process he can ensure that his name is not known on the country's list of "bioprospectors" and further lessen the chances that any agency,Si la clémence ne saurait être de mise pour les crimes perpétrés contre des enfants innocents, nous ne devons pas perdre de vueWhile no leniency should be shown for crimes perpetrated on innocent children, we need to see in perspective