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Posted by 4 years ago. <3Out of curiosity, would it be easy for you to find a video of someone saying lè to mean les? By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. The impact it has on the viewer is indisputable. 10. Do you honestly hear him saying "les"? And he opens his mouth wide because he wants to yell at full power.Why it doesn't bother french-speaking people is because we know that he cannot be saying "la" because it makes no sense, even for a child. It doesn’t look like it was shot with a professional camera and the location doesn’t change. He does no move to stop the kid from devastating the supermarket in his anger crisis.First time I watched this, this was the moment when I thought: ‘Oh my God!

Out of nowhere, the kid starts throwing things away, screaming ‘Je veux les bonbons!’, which is the French for ‘I want these sweets!’The father seems to have accepted his faith, totally ignoring the indignant people staring at the scene.

I never want to have a child like this. You never want something like this? The model takes into account factors including the age of a rating, whether the ratings are from verified purchasers, and factors that establish reviewer trustworthiness. This is the title of a commercial that I’ve always loved. If you don't want to be bothered, it's okay. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Ok, si nous avons des cadeaux qui sont le paradis pour l'amateur de chocolat lambda, alors bien sûr nous devons avoir quelque chose pour les amateurs de bonbons extrêmes. Good Morning America Recommended for you So, apparently, this child is saying "Je veux les bonbons". Des bonbons et de la gomme croquant. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. r/French. The impact it has on the viewer is indisputable. User account menu. Check out Je veux des bonbons et du chocolat by Monsieur Philippe on Amazon Music. The impact it has on the viewer is indisputable.The beginning takes the viewer into a supermarket, where a father is making shopping with his son, who seems to be around 5 years old. Even though having annoying kids is not the only consequence of not using condoms, it is for sure something one cannot ignore.Also, the fact that it’s made in a funny way is for sure in its advantage. Your Amazon Music account is currently associated with a different marketplace.

... mais je veille à présenter les croyances et les traditions orientales dans chaque œuvre que je crée. Can … Press J to jump to the feed. You never want something like this?

He does no move to stop the kid from devastating the supermarket in his anger crisis.First time I watched this, this was the moment when I thought: ‘Oh my God! log in sign up. {Concours Les Bonbecs} Tentez votre chance pour gagner un assortiment de 4 à 5 sortes de bonbons différents (400g à 500g) afin de découvrir des saveurs de pays divers et variés, et redécouvrir les classiques qui ont bercés notre enfance. I clearly hear "la".New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castBienvenue sur /r/French, l'espace reddit pour apprendre et enseigner le français! We hear "la" but we understand "les" without thinking about it, because of the context I explained (the yelling).Thank you, North American Quebecer, you get my ear.

Mon préféré est la pomme aigre. 50+ videos Play all Mix - Banned Commercial - Condoms YouTube Gordon Ramsay's perfect burger tutorial | GMA - Duration: 9:56. 10 "Je veux les bonbons" Close. The beginning takes the viewer into a supermarket, where a father is making shopping with his son, who seems to be around 5 years old.

Qui veut des bonbons ? Out of nowhere, the kid starts throwing things away, screaming ‘Je veux les bonbons!’, which is the French for ‘I want these sweets!’The father seems to have accepted his faith, totally ignoring the indignant people staring at the scene. So, apparently, this child is saying "Je veux les bonbons".The way he says "les" sounds very much like "la", so you're not crazy.Why it sounds like that is because he is yelling, and you can't produce the sound "é" or è" with a mouth fully opened. Also, there are not too many actors used for it.Despite its low-budget, the commercial surely made its point. The Blow Pop était vraiment la sucette parfait.