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Spanning three generations and spearheading both the Art Nouveau and the Art Deco Modernist movements, Maison Fouquet was first founded in 1862 by Alphonse Fouquet. In 1927, he persuaded the couturier Jean Patou to present his jewelry along with Patou’s fashions.

16 Wonderful The Empowering Art Deco Jewelry Of Jean Fouquet Art Nouveau was a brief moment (c. 1890-1910), which had a lasting impact on jewellery design and many other arts. He wanted to participate in the enormously important 1925 Exposition des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels, and his aim was to show jewelry that was audacious and original. To this end, he worked with such artists and designers of the period as Eric Bagge and the great poster artist Cassandre.Georges firmly believed that a jewel should suit the personality of the wearer. 16 Wonderful The Empowering Art Deco Jewelry Of Jean Fouquet Art Nouveau was a brief moment (c. 1890-1910), which had a lasting impact on jewellery design and many other arts. They were extra-ordinary, and can be seen today at the Musee des Arts decoratifs in Paris.Georges Fouquet continued to design jewelry after WWII using gold wire and enamel, but they were pale shadows of his earlier work. In 1925, he won an award at the Georges’ necklaces, bracelets, rings and brooches were resolutely modern in design and of imposing proportions. We have fine pieces by the foremost French, Italian and American designers from Art Deco through  to Contemporary Design.A beautiful sculpture can add so much to a home. He did, however, design for them, and his designs created between 1925 and 1931 were among the most audacious and innovative of the period.

French film star Arletty poses in a cuff by Jean Fouquet and an aquamarine, diamond, enamel, white gold and platinum Art Deco cuff by the designer from the Siegelson collection Photo Getty and Siegelson If there is one jewelry trend I am certain will be huge in 2018, it’s empowering jewelry. He expressed the opinion that ” jewelry should be considered as works of art,”. Nov 1, 2016 - Explore lucaantonio's board "Jean Fouquet", followed by 198 people on Pinterest.

He was responsible for many of the most important jewels associated with this period, including several done in collaboration with the artist Alphonse Mucha. 1931, Christie's Auction.Estilo Art Decó. Some ideas are as relevant today as Jean Fouquet’s bracelet. Jean Fouquet was influenced heavily by his father, George Fouquet, who was instrumental in shaping the Art Deco jewellery aesthetic. I sense it will become bigger as the women’s movement continues to gain momentum.

By Jean Fouquet (son of Georges Fouquet).

Jean Fouquet, Paris circa 1927.

Unfortunately, the financial crises of 1929 put an end to that endeavor, and they declared bankruptcy in 1930.Jean Fouquet, son of George and one of the great artist-jewelers of the Art Deco movement was never directly involved in running the Maison Fouquet. He did, however, design for them, and his designs created between 1925 and 1931 were among the most audacious and innovative of the period.

He once said “To be modern is not a fashion, it is a state.

A collection by the French 1930s designer, Jean Fouquet.CollectingFineJewels: PARIS BIENNALE: amazing Art Deco Aquamarine, diamond and enamel bracelet, Paris 1926, by Jean Fouquet.View **AN ART DECO, ONYX, CORAL AND DIAMOND JABOT PIN, BY FOUQUET on Christies.com, as well as other lots from the Important JewelsArt Deco necklace (1925-30) of gold, platinum, black lacquer and aquamarine.

The Art Nouveau period was short lived, however, and he was in the interesting position of making the transition to the emerging styles of Art Deco. In 1960, he completely ceased making jewelry.The famous and venerable house of Fouquet was founded in 1862 in Paris by Alphonse Fouquet. The look got underway this summer with the release of Wonder Woman and the cuff revival.
He was a master at juxtaposing geometric elements and strong colors to achieve a balance that was harmonious, but never static.He also used rock crystal, and one of his most striking creations is a bracelet and ring suite carved entirely of this material, its’ subtle curves given a matte finish and set with cabochon moonstones and faceted amethysts.

13 sept. 2013 - Cette épingle a été découverte par David Golden.

It is necessary to understand history, and he who understands history knows how to find continuity between that which was, that which is, and that which will be.” As I was saying, there will be bold jewelry in the new year.© 2016 THE ADVENTURINE INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. He did, however, design for them, and his designs created between 1925 and 1931 were among the most audacious and innovative of the period. We have wonderful examples of French Art Deco glass, Austrian and French Art Nouveau, Italian mid-century, and contemporary.Beautiful, fine and unusual furniture has always been an important part of Primavera Gallery. Broche Art Déco rectangulaire en platine à décor géométrique. Photo Tajan La partie...Koller Auktionen.
He wanted to participate in the enormously important 1925 Exposition des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels, and his aim was to show jewelry that was audacious and original. As president of the jewelry group at the 1925 Exposition, he worked behind-the-scenes prodding his colleagues to do something new and different. During the 1970s, designers like Step-cut aquamarines, black enamel and pavé-set diamonds decorate the white gold and platinum bracelet by Jean Fouquet. AN ART DECO, ONYX, CORAL & DIAMOND JABOT PIN, BY FOUQUET Designed as a circular onyx disk, bezel-set with a rose-cut diamond & cabochon coral & rose-cut diamond geometric detail,