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APES is laughing at this joke.Dude he has a youtube channel where he uploaded all his pserver content for many years, stop be a method fanboy hater. Now it seems Jokerd’s Gnome Mage is gone for good after the streamer finally pulled the plug out of nowhere on September 4.For some players, leveling is a big part of what makes WoW and Classic enjoyable and it could just be Jokerd wanted to start fresh with a new character.Whatever the reason, the move seemed to come out of nowhere and left a lot of viewers wondering what just happened and why.As Jokerd was running around Everlook everything seemed to be going as planned, with no deleting of any characters in sight.That is, until the streamer apparently got a message in chat telling him to delete the character immediately. With the race being over Jokerd can finally officially call himself the best speedrunner in World of Warcraft: Classic. Can you tell me his jack off schedule too?How about adding the Quest that her did, and where to pick them Up / turn them in?Can I just say DONT go to western plauguelands unless you want to be constantly ganked what a SHIT guideTanaris should be 43 and not 42, You shouldnt spend time on mobs that are more than 2 levels higher than you.The vods are still available if you go directly to his twitch page: I have found the exact same guide on 2 different websites, everything is literally the same, basically a copy and paste.Explaining the differences between Zowie EC versions Twitch is the world's leading video platform and community for gamers. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Stop fapping to ponies and fedoras you creepy fucktard, maybe you calm down a little, you pissheadOh, PS: Get your uncle’s cock out of your filthy mouth, can’t understand what your sayin when ur chockin on his balls, Melinda!Anyone else ok with being a “normie”? Jokerd has been setting records in the vanilla WoW private scene for years. Jokerd pulled off the achievement by spamming area of effect attacks on mobs, a … call bs on thatThe murlocs are ~37. Note: For this article we went through Jokerd’s entire run to 60 so we could show you in depth on how he did it and you can replicate his run to achieve similar results while AOE leveling. Der Twitch-Streamer JokerD war der erste Spieler, der in WoW Classic Level 60 erreichte. His most notable achievements before WoW: Classic were his server first 60 in 3 days 10 hours on Elysium Nethergarde and his server first 60 on Light’s Hope Silver Hand in 2 days 17 hours. Either way pretty sad.Also joker has not been setting records on psererverrs for years you normie cuks, he literally only played 1 dead server “silverhand” which released 3 months prior to classic launch as a meme, no one rolled on it.The real private sever bois played Nost, K1/k2, Elysium, Lights hopes lightbringer and northdale were the 10k-18k populated servers during fresh non of which joker won any leveling races on, Journey the hunter was the one setting records and a hunter was the first on every Pserver that mattered you dumb uneducated NORMIES retail players or others who are not involved in the private server community….Real Pserver EU players know who did what….Joker is a meme lord and took advantage of the layering, he did not set any records, he literally just layer hopped for unlimited spawn resets for aoing….Blizzard fuck up, classic is a fucking joke way easier than the Private servers we played on.

Gamer, streamer, beard growing enthusiast, I would be glad to be your source of entertainment while I share with you my passion for gaming.

He definitely uses these talents check for yourself.By “I actually play with jokerr on pservers prior to this” do you mean you walked past him once and gave him the old /wave while wetting your pants, or did you just open trade to give him 20g in order to see your name on stream while touching ya little peen?

JOKERD streams live on Twitch! where in hillsbrad because all murloc camps have rangedI have added the vods with timestamps to the post so you can check the exact spot.Hey the VODs are now gone.. do you have a way to post the area on the map?Going 37 to swamp while there are 42-44 murlocs? Er schoss sich einer Top-Gilde an, aber die warf ihn nun raus. Also added a source for his talents until 22. Jesus, Incels are the absolute worst.Jesus dude why are you so angry get out of your mom’s basementGo get yourself your first pussy you wanker, tryin to be a big boi on the internet? He started using the layering mechanic at lvl 58 to save 1,5h grinding.Bruh is so mad. Also, retail players are laughing at classic/vanilla content either way, the whole game is a fucking joke, a big meme.You mean the 10 retail left playing boring ass bfa.Please stfu. This article was not written by Jokerd himself and is just a observation of his run. Jokerd hit level 60 significantly faster than any of his competition in the West, too - the second-place player at the time of his achievement, which was 1:40pm CT on August 30, was only level 56. It took Jokerd three days, 20 hours, and 40 minutes of WoW Classic gameplay to hit level 60, and he streamed over 78 hours of the journey on Twitch. Visit the spots listed above and locate large groups of mobs.Note: You can always weave in another Frost Nova, Ice Block and Cold Snap to make your time farming easier.You can download all of Jokerd’s addons easily through the twitch App.Now that Jokerd is 60 he will surely want to farm his During leveling Jokerd does not spend any time on professions. Now he has beaten millions of players in the race to 60 in WoW: Classic as well. Watch Joker channels streaming live on Twitch. However he/she also just proved how much of a dweller he really is. Jokerd is the first play to reach level 60, a feat which drew a sizable audience on Twitch. Didnt even know that was a “word” or whatever till this person said it.

Jokerd is a relatively new Twitch streamer who rose to fame with the release of WoW Classic. WoW Classic streamer Jokerd finally deleted the world's first level 60 character after what appeared to be a random message in Twitch chat. Calm down, kiddo, it’s a video game.

Sign up or login to join the community and follow your favorite Joker streamers! Tell your mom next time she takes you to see your therapist you need some type of medication for being a mad tryhard all the time. At 60 however he will most likely go for This is the exact way Jokerd became the world first 60 in WoW Classic.