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Deux amants décident de sortir de leurs combines par un grand coup, en enlevant le …


Zach's one-night stand with a student backfires when that student walks into an interview the next morning calling himself Danny Reyes, the name Zach went by when he attended the school. He then gets paid off, kills Ruben, and leaves the rest of the gang to be killed by Hornbeck's henchmen as they come to torture Dyson.Junior had been manipulating her the entire time to place her in a position where she would be forced to shoot Beckythat Grimes knew that Becky was going to murdered before the fact, as he had enough time to fake his injuryCoco kills Junior by posing as a waitress and shooting him on the beach at a resort in MexicoEspecially poignant as it is Ruben's last conversation, as Junior shoots him the head partway through.Junior looks up to discover that the waitress in actually Coco, who shoots him with a silenced gun hidden under the tray. Audience Reviews for Judas Kiss. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Associés à deux génies, lun spécialiste des télécoms, lautre gros bras à sang chaud, ils organisent lenlèvement dun magnat de linformatique.

Judas Kiss.

Y jouent Charlie David, Richard Harmon, Brent …

Two college friends take a journey home.

Het verhaal is van Tepnapa en Carlos Pedraza.

With Richard Harmon, Genevieve Buechner, Charlie David, Sean Paul Lockhart. As Zach scrambles for answers, a mysterious, chain-smoking campus tour guide, counsels him: "Change the kid's past, change your future."

A quirk in time and space gives a failed filmmaker the chance to reshape his destiny when he visits his peculiar alma mater.

Télérama. It was a boring cop movie, but I may give it another try someday. With Alan Rickman, Emma Thompson, Carla Gugino, Simon Baker. It was directed by Sebastian Gutierrez. Failed filmmaker Zachary Wells is convinced by his best friend and hotshot director Topher into replacing him as a judge in their film school's annual festival. Was this review helpful to you?

Sep 30, 2007.

Detective Friedman's suspicions are raised when Senator Hornbeck threatens the detectives instead of offering assistance. A cool and sexy thriller!! de

That indeed is the question in this charmer of a film.

The entire kidnap scheme is revealed to have been a ploy by Junior to manipulate Coco into killing the senator's wife. Judas Kiss is a 1998 American crime thriller film that stars Alan Rickman, Emma Thompson, Roscoe Lee Browne, Carla Gugino, Simon Baker-Denny, Gil Bellows, Hal Holbrook, Richard Riehle, and Til Schweiger.It is directed by Sebastian Gutierrez.

Judas Kiss probeert geloof ik een soort parodie te zijn in het misdaadgenre. Coco Chavez and Junior Armstrong are two small-time criminals who make money at blackmail and sex scams. !

The movie was produced by Bandeira Entertainment.

Directed by Sebastian Gutierrez.

With the support of their families and friends they embark on ... Date de sortie inconnue It was a boring cop movie, but I may give it another try someday. In de hoofdrollen spelen Charlie David, Richard Harmon, Sean Paul Lockhart en Timo Descamps. Judas Kiss (littéralement, Le baiser de Judas) est un film américain réalisé par Sebastian Gutierrez sorti en 1998. Back in 1982, a Texas University student who was curious about the male sex fantasies he had been having, decides he needs to hook up with an out gay student on campus. These two friends make a ...