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Get to the heart of Kpalimé with one of Lonely Planet's in-depth, award-winning guidebooks.© 2020 Lonely Planet. It is neo-Gothic in style. They quarreled over a goat's head, and since the conflict could not be resolved to everyone's satisfaction, some of the elders decided to leave Anidi and go and live on the plain.The first group went to live on the lower slopes of the mountain, in a place where the trees were called "Yoti", hence the name Agomé-Yo.
To sign in with one of the following providers just click on the icons below. Located at a crossroads, it attracted many traders. Belong anywhere with Airbnb. Domé is the center of the town. Their origins can probably be traced to Yorubaland in modern King Agokoli, who ruled Notsé in the early 18th century, was a tyrant. The Commissioner had the station named after his former lover, Misa von Esterhazy.Misahohè's small size and remoteness obliged the German government to invest in nearby Kpalimé by establishing offices, administrative services and a minimum of socio-economic infrastructure. I can unsubscribe any time using the unsubscribe link at the end of all emails.

Kpalimé is a city in the Plateaux Region of Togo, 120 km north of Lomé and 15 km from the Ghanaian border. 2012 Gulliway - Travel Club for independent travellersQuatrième Recensement Général de la Population et de l'Habitat 2010 (Fourth Population and Housing Census 2010) To travel is to live!Kpalimé was originally called Agomé-Kpalimé, being one of the villages of the Agomé people.

The fifth group moved to "Mokpalipé", meaning crossroads, and the pronunciation gradually evolved into "Kpalime".Since those who founded Mokpalipé chose the location for its potential for expansion and communication, it is likely that they made their first settlement in the vicinity of the crossroads near the Kpegolo River on the road to Agomé-Yo. They did nothing notable for the development of Kpalimé, preoccupied as they were by the war. It's also a busy place thanks to its proximity to the Ghanaian border and an important and lively market.We've pre-picked the best hotels, hostels and bed and breakfasts to make your stay as enjoyable as possible.Ready to go?

Following the Treaty of Versailles (28 June 1919), they ceded the town to the French in 1920.Set in fertile countryside, Kpalimé was an ideal location for the pre-export storage of crops. However, it is the chief of Agomé-Yo, not Agomé-Kpalimé, who is the paramount chief of the Agomé.Until 1880, Kpalimé was a small inland village surrounded by forest. His predecessor was Bishop Pierre Koffi Seshie (July 1, 1994 – April 25, 2000). The third group settled in a place they named Agomé-Koussountou. The second group settled on a rise at the foot of the Kouma Plateau. 25 Jul 2020 - Rent from people in Kpalime, Togo from ₹1,493/night. Check Kpalime hotel prices Tonight Jul 21 - Jul 22 Check prices in Kpalime for tonight, Jul 21 - Jul 22 Tomorrow night Jul 22 - Jul 23 Check prices in Kpalime for tomorrow night, Jul 22 - Jul 23 This weekend Jul 24 - Jul 26 Check prices in Kpalime for this weekend, Jul 24 - Jul 26 Next weekend Jul 31 - Aug 2 Check prices in Kpalime for next weekend, Jul 31 - Aug 2 LE FERMIER - Kpalimé - Route de Kusuntu Cuisines du monde : Bonne cuisine française et togolaise (sur commande). Lodging in Kpalimé center and nearby. It was colonization that led to its emergence as a large, inter-connected town. It is the administrative capital of Kloto Prefecture. Currently available rooms and best rates. You have to enable Javascript to sign in as a member!Gulliway is a rich source of travel information. The colonial history of Kpalimé is unusual in that it is one of the few places in Africa that passed from German (1890–1914) to In 1890, Jesko von Puttkamer, the German Imperial Commissioner for Togoland, founded the first field station at Misahohè, 9 km from Kpalimé and "five day's march from Lomé".
This was a major factor in its growth, with the French colonizers giving Kpalimé progressively greater autonomy, with its status changing from "indigenous commune" (1939), to "mixed commune" (1951) and finally "commune" (1959).Kpalimé is a tourist destination for its natural environment and tropical climate. Hotels, apartments, map, client reviews, immediate confirmation from hotel. There, they were free to practice activities such as agriculture, hunting, farming, fishing, crafts and trade.However, it was common for tensions to break out among migrants on their arrival in a new location, and the Agomé were no exception.

Keep others updated. Find unique places to stay with local hosts in 191 countries. No part of this site may be reproduced without our written permission.I want emails from Lonely Planet with travel and product information, promotions, advertisements, third-party offers, and surveys. The Germans also invested in road and rail links between Kpalimé and the coast, opening the However, the First World War (1914–1918) was to cut short the German domination of Kpalimé. It is the only site in Togo from which many forest species have been recorded.The Roman Catholic Diocese of Kpalimé (Latin: Kpalimen(sis)) is in the Ecclesiastical province of Lomé. All rights reserved. Kpalimé quickly stole the limelight from Misahohè, becoming the regional capital.

They forced their distant relatives, the Tové Ahoundjo, to cede their territory, which extended from the river to Tsihinou (located behind the current neighborhood of Noumetou Kondji). The Agomé consisted of five clans led by a chief called Tsali. It's also a busy place thanks to its proximity to the Ghanaian border and an important and lively market. Kpalime (75,084) Bassar (61,845) Tsevie (55,775) Aneho (47,579) Sansanne-Mango (37,748) Dapaong (33,324) Officially the Togolese Republic, this country in western Africa has little written history before the late 15th century.