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Long Description: [EN] The Dying Slave is a sculpture of the Italian painter and sculptor of the Michelangelo Renaissance, now preserved in the Louvre Museum in Paris, with L'Esclave rébel. Done. L'Esclave mourant / The Dying Slave.
close. Musée du Louvre. [FR] L'Esclave mourant est une sculpture du peintre italien et sculpteur de la Renaissance Michel-Ange, conservée aujourd'hui au musée du Louvre à Paris, avec L'Esclave rebelle. Commissioned in 1505 for the tomb of Pope Julius II. L'Esclave mourant est une sculpture du grand peintre et sculpteur italien de la Renaissance Michel-Ange, conservée aujourd'hui au musée du Louvre à Paris, The Dying Slave is a sculpture of the great Italian painter and sculptor of the Renaissance Michelangelo, preserved today in the Louvre in Paris.

Title: L'esclave mourant d'après Michel Ange (Dying Slave after Michelangelo), 1962 Medium: synthetic resin w/ikb pigment Size: 58.5 x 18.7 x 15.8 cm. These two statues, which remain unfinished, were offered in 1546 by Michelangelo to his friend Roberto Strozzi, who, in exile, himself gave it to the French King Francis I. From the collections of Montmorency, then to the chateau of Ecouen in the sixteenth century, then to those of Richelieu (it was located in the inner courtyard), they were seized as emigrant goods during the Revolution in 1792. Other works by Michelangelo Buonarroti. La réplique effectuée par moulage est située dans les anciennes écuries sises dans le parc de Richelieu à Richelieu. These two figures of slaves (executed between 1513 and 1516), originally intended for the Tomb of Julius II, were removed as early as 1542 from the final version of the tomb. Description: * Sale: * Estimate: * Price: * Price Database * Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 10 million auction results. Michelangelo Buonarroti. [EN] The Dying Slave is a sculpture of the Italian painter and sculptor of the Michelangelo Renaissance, now preserved in the Louvre Museum in Paris, with L'Esclave rébel.

Ces deux statues, qui restent inachevées, ont été offertes en 1546 par Michel-Ange à son ami Roberto Strozzi, qui, en exil, en a lui-même fait don ensuite au roi de France François Ier. L'Esclave mourant (Dying Slave), Started in 1513.

H. : 1,24 m. ; L. : 0,38 m. ; Pr.

(23 x 7.4 x 6.2 in.) Legs d'Adolphe Thiers à Félicie Dosne. artnet and our partners use cookies to provide features on our sites and applications to improve your online experience, including for analysis of site usage, traffic measurement, and for advertising and content management. L'Esclave mourant - Richelieu, France - Exact Replicas on Waymarking.comFormer riding stable for the Richelieu park in Richelieu/Ancien manège pour les chevaux du parc de Richelieu à Richelieuhttp://perso.univ-lyon2.fr/~mollon/L3-LHA/fich-oeuvre_09/EsclaveMourant.pdf The Dying Slave is a sculpture by the Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo.

View all. * Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 10 million auction results.

Des collections de Montmorency, puis au château d'Écouen au XVIe siècle, ensuite dans celles de Richelieu (elle était située dans la cour intérieure), elles sont saisies comme biens d'émigrés sous la Révolution en 1792. L'esclave mourant; 176 x 176 cm. It is a marble figure 2.15 metres (7' 4") in height, and is held at the Louvre, Paris. (69.3 x 69.3 in.) Artist: After Michelangelo (Italian, 1475–1564) Title: L'esclave mourant Medium: bronze Size: 176 x 176 cm. Paris. 1881. Musée du Louvre. Both works call the viewer into an intimate space and encapsulate a sense of both the antique and the modern. The replica made by molding is located in the old stables located in the park of Richelieu in Richelieu. Musée du Louvre, Paris. Ces deux figures d'esclaves (exécutées entre 1513 et 1516), destinées initialement au Tombeau de Jules II, furent écartées dès 1542 de la version définitive du tombeau. 2007. Permanent collection.