Nyerere was een gelovig katholiek en onderhield goede relaties met zowel het Westen als bijvoorbeeld China. Julius Kambarage Nyerere (Butiama (Tanganyika), 13 april 1922 – Londen, 14 oktober 1999) was een Tanzaniaans politicus die diende als eerste president van Tanzania, van de onafhankelijkheid in 1961, tot zijn aftreden in 1985. Julius Kambarage Nyerere (né le 13 avril 1922 à Butiama et mort le 14 octobre 1999 à Londres) est un homme politique tanzanien d'ethnie Zanaki (en). His construction of the one-party state and use of Julius Kambarage Nyerere was born on 13 April 1922 in Mwitongo, an area of the village of These wives lived in various huts around Burito's cattle corral, in the centre of which was his roundhouse.The British colonial administration encouraged the education of chiefs' sons, believing that this would help to perpetuate the chieftain system and prevent the development of a separate educated indigenous elite who might challenge colonial governance.While at the school he also underwent the Zanaki tooth filing ritual to have his upper-front teeth sharpened into triangular points.His academic excellence allowed him to gain a government scholarship to attend the elite Tabora Government School, a secondary school in In October 1942, Nyerere completed his secondary education and decided to study at On leaving Makerere, Nyerere returned home to Zanaki territory to build a house for his widowed mother, before spending his time reading and farming in Butiama.In Tabora, he intensified his political activities, joining the local branch of the TAA and becoming its treasurer.In 1949, Nyerere was one of only two black students from the British East African territories studying in Scotland.At TANU meetings, Nyerere insisted on the need for Tanganyikan independence, but maintained that the country's European and Asian minorities would not be ejected by an African-led independent government.The government pressured Nyerere's employer to sack him because of his pro-independence activities.
"De Telegraaf". "Huddleston recalled conversations with Nyerere as being "exciting and stimulating", with the Tanzanian leader focusing on world issues rather than talking about himself.Nyerere's secretary, Joseph Namata, said that the leader "jokes about everything" and "can shout if he is angry".The style of suit that Nyerere wore was widely imitated in Tanzania, which led to it being known as a "Tanzanian suit".Nyerere published widely over the course of his life.Raised as a practitioner of Zanaki traditional religion, Nyerere formally converted to Roman Catholicism at the age of 20 and remained a practitioner throughout his life.With his wife Maria Gabriel, Nyerere had seven children.Within Tanzania, Nyerere has been termed the "Father of the Nation",Nyerere was remembered "in African nationalist history as an uncompromising socialist";Richard Turnbull, the last British Governor of Tanganyika, described Nyerere as having "a tremendous adherence to principle" and exhibiting "rather a Gandhian streak".At his death, Western commentators repeatedly claimed that Nyerere had served his people poorly as president.After his death, Nyerere received far less attention than other, contemporary African leaders like Kenyatta, Nkrumah, and Mandela.Julius Nyerere on a visit to the Netherlands in 1965You go through two stages in these colonial countries. The evidence—which consisted of three photostat documents—was labelled a forgery by the U.S. Embassy and after Nyerere returned from a week at In January 1967, Nyerere attended a TANU National Executive meeting at The day after the declaration, the government announced the nationalisation of all Tanzanian banks, with compensation provided to their owners.Nyerere followed his declaration with a series of additional policy papers covering such areas as foreign policy and rural development.The Arusha Declaration announced the introduction of a code of conduct for TANU and government leaders to adhere to. Julius Kambarage Nyerere was a Tanzanian anti-colonial activist, politician, and political theorist. Julius Nyerere Kambarage (Mars 1922-1914 Octobre, 1999) a été l’ un des plus grands héros de l’ indépendance de l’ Afrique et conduisant la lumière derrière la création de l’Organisation de l’ unité africaine.Il a été l’architecte de Ujamaa, une philosophie socialiste africaine qui a révolutionné le système agricole de la Tanzanie. He argued that there was no evidence it would improve government and that it would waste tax-payer's money.Privately, he remained involved in CCM politics and lobbied to ensure that Nyerere remained active in international affairs, attending the 1994 Nyere's ideology, a form of African socialism, is known as Ujamaa.Although opposing European colonialism, Nyerere was not antagonistic towards white Europeans; from his experiences he was aware that they were not all colonialists and racists.Nyerere was keen to associate himself with the idea of Nyerere's ideas about socialism owed little to either European Nyerere firmly believed in egalitarianism and in creating a society of equals,Nyerere detested elitism and sought to reflect that attitude in the manner in which he conducted himself as president.Nyerere's belief in socialism was retained after his socialist reforms failed to generate economic growth.Smith described Nyerere as "a slight, wiry man with a high forehead and a toothbrush moustache".Assessing his early life, Molony described Nyerere as "down-to-earth, principled, and had a strong sense of fairness.