3 rue de Cronstadt Rue Paul Duvivier - 69007 Lyon 7ème "Jonas Kopp, Djedjotronic and Clara 3000 will also play the Lyon event in December.The UK producer's next full-length lands in November.Blawan, Abdulla Rashim, Jeroen Search and more will play for the Lyon promoter over the coming months.
Just a short walk from Jean Macé is Le Petit Salon. In just a few years, this guide has become the repertoire of “places to be”.
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Contrary to what its name might suggest (and by now you’re sure to know that ‘petit’ means small! More partial to savoury than sweet (even though offering her a praluline – a delicious brioche filled with pralines – is a sure-fire way to get in her good books), Camille devotes herself body and soul to testing new food establishments in Lyon.
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Fri, 03 Apr 2020 / Happiness Therapy: Âme Live, Minorah, Ralph Nasr & Ronin. Come and see us! This month Accommodation
Rising with a smile on her face in the morning, always curious and enthusiastic to discover new places (and new dishes) in Lyon, Camille is what the specialists refer to as a « compulsive tester ».
5 Attending. The culture and leisure pass ), this club plays in the same league as the big boys and has rapidly made a name for itself on Lyon’s electronic music scene.Attracting talented, cutting-edge artists, the music will draw you to the dancefloor, while the vibe is trendy without overdoing it: all the ingredients for a wild, exhilarating night out.Collector's original visuals and voice have made it a big hit in Lyon.
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