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6 of 9 people found this review helpful. Mathilde life and beliefs change when she discovers the advanced state of pregnancy that affect several of the Sisters of the convent just outside the hospital where she performs.Rated PG-13 for disturbing thematic material including sexual assault, and for some bloody images and brief suggestive content

Mathilde is a French Red Cross doctor working on a mission to help the French survivors of the German camps. A novice nun at the convent is grieving the death of another nun. Beaulieu decides to go at night to the nun's convent, where one woman has given birth. The Mother Superior privately prays that she have the courage to continue on the path she has chosen. In very poor French, she begs Mathilde to come to her convent. The doctor needs to focus on care for the newborn.

The Sound of Music this film ain't, its storyline is more powerful, more moving and another triumph for the French Film industry. The Master of Novices brings three babies to the base to protect them from the Abbess. The doctor visits the baby whose existence has been kept secret from the Abbess. Je me suis rendu compte que LES INNOCENTES est un film qui refuse la musique de film traditionnelle. Confined to her cell, she engages in morning prayer. Voir les 2 formats et éditions Masquer les autres formats et éditions. Seven of the nuns are pregnant. In her convent, several nuns are pregnant. Use the HTML below. Les innocentes (Bande originale du film) Various artists. The novice replies, "Faith is 24 hours of doubt with one minute of hope", going on to describe her difficulties with the practice. 10 February 2016 5,0 sur 5 étoiles 1 évaluation. In 19th century Argentina, when a man returns to his family's plantation after 15 years, it revives a violent past, slave abuses and evil spirits.

She confronts the Abbess demanding the truth. Mathilde Beaulieu (Lou de Lâage) is a young intern working with a branch of the French Red Cross. 1945. Soldiers come to the convent believing the nuns are harboring an enemy soldier. Directed by Anne Fontaine. A young man runs away from his family to become an actor. The script is by Sabrina B. Karine, Pascal Bonitzer, Anne Fontaine and Alice Vial, after an original idea by Philippe Maynial. They are on a mission to find, treat and repatriate French survivors of the German camps. A novice nun about to take her vows uncovers a family secret dating back to the German occupation. The final scene is three months later, with a photographer at the convent taking pictures of the nuns and happy orphans. When the Master of Novices goes to Zofia's family to report her death, she discovers that Zofia's aunt never knew Zofia had a child, nor that she had been caring for another baby. Écoutez Les innocentes (Bande originale du film) par Various Artists sur Deezer. The Abbess had given orders that she be notified of all births, but Beaulieu requests that she not be notified immediately.
One of the nuns decides to leave the convent and raise her own child, and another decides to leave, but allow her baby to be raised by the nuns. A scientist tries to capture her and discover the key to her power.

Beaulieu asks the Master of Novices if she ever regrets her life as a nun.

Claire unwittingly sparks uncontrollable jealousy in Maud, whose young ...

A great film, a wonderful moving film, and a lesson in film making to all.Looking for some great streaming picks? The Master of Novices replies, "Forgive me, but scandal and disorder were already here".

It occurs to her that the nuns could start raising many of these children and open an orphanage, thus avoiding questions about where the babies are coming from.
He says that the military is a place of order and discipline. Propos de la réalisatrice. Beaulieu returns to the army medical unit, and discovers the unit is going to be transferred out of the area.