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That being the case; are you doing everything within your power to run a sound business? A Ministry of Communication source who asked to remain anonymous told Magharebia that the ministry had not received a license application for The source also said that refusing to give a distribution license to a magazine for gays and lesbians does not constitute any breach of law or suppression of the right to expressionDespite the obstacles, Kif Kif is determined to press on, Samir S. said. Another Islamist, Mohammed Najid, told the press that preventing A student contacted by Magharebia, Fouad Noune, said But another student, Bouchra Hanine, told Magharebia: “You can’t talk about freedom of expression in Morocco if we’re denying a group of people the right to express their suffering and problems.

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French; Portuguese; DONATE; Home Skip navigation. he Arab world is not the most likely place to promote a gay lifestyle. “Currently, it’s not at news kiosks, though we can offer it online pending a suitable form for print distribution.” The country’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender and intersex people, whose rights Kif Kif was set up to protect, also face widespread hostility from Islamists. Bitcoin ATM’s are a booming growth market. Well in your town there will probably be a few places where you could get a Botox treatment but its important that you find someone experienced in Botox who will get you the results you want. They are ingredients that are relatively cheap to add, provide a source of carbohydrate and fill the food.

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What You Need to Know About Bitcoin ATM's in 2020 Life, Sites and Insights.Copyright © 1997-2020, Laguna Beach, CA and Westhampton, MA. Mithly means "the same as me" in Arabic; it is also a respectful way to refer to homosexuals.

So what is a Lumpectomy procedure? In looking to run a business that is more sound and on more solid ground, focus in on the following keys: Some supermarkets are now starting to list some product lines that are grain free for dogs. It is a word that the people behind Mithly magazine would like to see replace the more common "shazz," meaning pervert or deviant in Arabic, or "zemel," an expletive to describe gays in the Moroccan Berber dialect.. Mithly was launched in the Moroccan capital Rabat earlier this month. This has led to the creation of online businesses and caused other companies to run their businesses both online and offline to create a balance. If not, now would be a good time to address any shortcomings. Digital marketing now comes in to create awareness about the existence of some brands and their products.

If the magazine does not obtain official permission to go to print, the staff will resort to online publishing. “But we’re aware that we need more struggle, persistence and time.” “Only 200 copies of the first edition were released in April to a number of interested people and advocates for freedom of intellectual, ideological and sexual choices,” he added. During the Lumpectomy procedure the tumor along with surrounding tissue Lumpectomy Procedure Selecting award recipients for these annual awards has become more complicated for the editorial staff of the magazine; the Middle East region has experienced a significant uptick in terms of business activity, but there is no question that His Highness is deserving of recognition as Visionary Leader. GlobalGayz is a travel and culture website focused on LGBT-Gay life worldwide: In-person Stories, archived News Reports and Actual Photos. But the owners of Mithly believe the launch of the magazine … Submissions; English.

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[] Magazine Mithly (Gay) published its first edition in April but has not applied for a government liIn a move that probes the limits of freedom of expression in Morocco, a group of gays and lesbians is working to raise their community’s profile by publishing a trail-blazing magazine.

Wading through the whole range and finding the ones that work best for you can be something of a challenge. Although it is a magazine for all gay Moroccans and Arabs, Samir S. said, The personal liberty of homosexuals is their own affair, but to publicly display their sexual orientation threatens society’s values, Mustapha Khalfi, a member of the Islamist-leaning Justice and Development Party, told the local press last week.

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First Queer magazine published in Morocco: Mithly.

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