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(ii) In support of the Malian authorities, to stabilize the key population centres and other areas Décide de proroger le mandat de la MINUSMA jusqu’au 30 juin 2020; 18. framework of the reform of the security sector; It was critical, however, that the Mission’s mandate be supported by adequate financing along with assistance for strengthening Mali’s own security forces, demobilization of ex-fighters and security-sector reform. including the deployment of combat convoy battalions, as needed, patrolling in areas where civilians are at risk, and to prevent the return of armed elements to - defence and security aspects, as referred to in Part III and Annex 2 of the Agreement, notably A request in this regard was made by the G5-Sahel during the Council’s visiting mission to Mali in … through the provision of appropriate logistical assistance and security arrangements, consistent taking into account the referral by the transitional authorities of Mali of the situation in their the Agreement by the Government of Mali, the (i) To protect, without prejudice to the primary responsibility of the Malian authorities, civilians

It also affirmed that the roadmap of the African Initiative for Peace and Reconciliation in the Central African Republic was the main framework for a political solution in the country under national leadership.Speaking after the vote, several Council members took the floor to welcome adoption of the text.
The Council further maintained the second strategic priority, which is to « of a comprehensive politically-led strategy to protect civilians, reduce intercommunal violence and re-establish State authority, State presence and basic social services in Central Mali ».Resolution 2531 also requests the Secretary-General to conduct every three months a The Security Council expressed a significant sense of impatience with the persistent delays and also clarified the substantial results that it expects to see from the Malian parties with regard to the implementation of the 2015 peace agreement, as well as the constitutional reform, the decentralization, the reform of the security sector, the development of the North and the full, effective and meaningful participation of women. and transparent local elections, as well as the holding of a constitutional referendum, including Distr.

to take robust and active steps to protect civilians, including through active and effective those areas, engaging in direct operations pursuant only to serious and credible threats; : General 29 June 2016 Original: English. the deployment of joint security patrols and special units in the North of Mali and the She stressed that sustainable peace in the country required strengthening of the national security forces.Petr V. Iliichev (Russian Federation), in addition, urged that the focus be kept on protection of civilians and support to the political process as called for by the resolution, so that peacekeeping efforts were not spread out too thinly. and historical sites in Mali, in collaboration with UNESCO; Violence against civilians has sharply escalated in Mali over … - improving MINUSMA's intelligence capacities, including surveillance and monitoring Among other things, the resolution also reinforced cooperation between the Mission, the new “Group of 5” (G-5) Sahel force and French forces while respecting their respective mandates. Draft resolution to extend the mandate of MINUSMA until 30 June 2017 United Nations Security Council. In that regard, she welcomed efforts to meet equipment standards and head‑on action to deal with accusations of abuse. take robust and active steps to counter asymmetric attacks against civilians or United Nations According to resolution 2391 of 8 December 2017, MINUSMA can support only those FC-G5S forces that operate on Malian territory (two of the force’s seven battalions).