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She took to the sea during an era that was considered the “golden age” of piracy—a period that roughly spanned 1650 to the 1720s. After being captured, she was spared hanging because she was pregnant but died shortly after due to an illness.

She and Anne Bonny are two of the most famed female pirates of all time; they are the only two women known to have been convicted of piracy during the early 18th century, at the height of the Golden Age of Piracy. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription.

Though little is known for certain about her former life, she was well-known as a pirate from 1718 to 1720. Als am 28.

Nach dem Kriegsende heuerte sie auf einem nach den Dieses Schiff wurde von Piraten gekapert, denen sich Read freiwillig anschloss.

Mary Read (1685–buried April 28, 1721) was an English pirate who sailed with "Calico Jack" Rackham and Anne Bonny.

Much of the information is derived from Capt.

She had a harsh childhood.

Ihre Mutter war mit einem Mary arbeitete als Laufbursche und auf einem Schiff. Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn! History at your fingertips April 1721 in Santiago de la Vega, Jamaika) war eine legendäre englische Piratin. Mary Read (1685 – 28 April 1721), also known as Mark Read, was an English pirate.

November 1720 die Mannschaft der Piraterie angeklagt wurde war Anne Bonny schwanger. Mary Read was born in Devon County, England, in the late 17th century. Mary Read (c.1690–1721), also known as Mark Read, was an English pirate. Fast Facts: Mary Read. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Mary Read, also known as Mark Read, (born c. 1695, England—buried April 28, 1721, St. Catherine, Jamaica), English pirate of the early 18th century who, with her crewmate Anne Bonny, became legendary as one of the few female pirates.

Später trat sie in das britische Militär ein, verliebte sich in einen flämischen Soldaten, heiratete diesen und betrieb mit ihrem Mann das Gasthaus Sechs Jahre später, 1716, starb ihr Ehemann.

Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.Read’s early life is largely unknown. With what country is the outlaw Ned Kelly associated? Aus diesem Grund wurde ihre Anklage vertagt.

Außer dem Buch "A General History of the Pyrates: from their first rise and settlement in the island of Providence, to the present time", welches Mary Read wurde als uneheliches Kind in England geboren. Sein Name Störtebeker = “Stürz den Becher ... Ebenso traf sie dort die Piratin Mary Read, mit welcher Sie stets Seite an Seite kämpfte.

Mary Read (born around 1685, died on 1721) is today remembered as one of two female pirates (the second one being Anne Bonny) that operated in the waters of the Caribbean during the height of the today called "Golden Age of the Pirates".She spent majority of her life dressed as a man and has served under several Pirate captains, most notably John "Calico Jack" Rackham.

Mary's paternal grandmother supported Mary and her mother, only because she thought that her grandson Mark was still alive. Durch eine königliche Im November 1720 wurde das Urteil über Rackham, Bonny, Read und die restliche Crew gefällt:

Amy Tikkanen is the general corrections manager, handling a wide range of topics that include Hollywood, politics, books, and anything related to the To keep the death of Mary's brother as secret, from his grandmother, Mary was raised as a boy, pretending to be her older brother.

Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. She and Anne Bonny are two of the most famed female pirates of all time, and among the few women known to have been convicted of piracy during the early 18th century, at the height of the "Golden Age of Piracy". Mary Read Biography.

Mary Read (* um 1685 in London, England; 28.

When her ship was seized by pirates in the Read and Bonny earned a reputation for ruthlessness and were described as “very Wieder kleidete sich Mary als Mann und trat in das niederländische Militär ein.

Charles Johnson’s Read went back to living as a man and eventually found work as a sailor.

Her father had died before she was born and her half-brother Mark passed away soon afterward.