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Et comment, par la suite, pourrions-nous en parler sans être réducteur ?

From being a young man who could see no possible futurefor himself, living as a bum in the park, he now has friends, love, andhope and the will to try to make a future for himself.During his month with Zimmer, Marco thus seems to go throughanother period of moratorium. That something iswhat I define as love. All rights identity. And this is an indication that even though his thoughts andideals are unrecognizable, his identity status may not be as distant fromwhat it was during his do-nothing project as he would have liked. His friend Zimmer suggests fleeing to another country,but Marco is not “terribly interested” (75), again turning away fromtaking an active part in shaping his own future. xxx, xxx, xxx und xxx beteiligen sich regelmäßig am Unterricht, doch sind ihre Leistungen eher als durchschnittlich einzuschätzen. Such atendency to see oneself and the world in terms of black and white, goodrather to identity diffusion and sometimes foreclosure.Another indication that Marco has not progressed much, at least notaccording to Marcia’s statuses, is his reaction on finding a forgotten letterfrom the draft board calling him in for a physical examination: “I haddone nothing to prepare myself for the moment of truth. Are theyresults of internal changes in the characters themselves, or are theycaused by external events, situations, or other people? He nowunderstands that his “project” was pure madness, and that it was wrongnot to confide in Zimmer and ask for his help when he needed it (73).Marco uses very harsh words about himself; “disaster,” “cowardice,”stupidity;” and this condemning judgment is matched by a new desire toMore than anything else, I felt a need to purify myself, to repent for allmy excesses of self-involvement. montre plus traduction Moon Palace [Paul Auster] dans le dictionnaire Anglais - Francais de Reverso, voir aussi 'moon around',moon landing',crescent moon',full moon', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques The loss of love and connection plunges Marco intodespair, depression, and identity diffusion, while experiencing loveagain sets him on the course toward a new identity.As anyone who has read the book knows, this is not Marco’s finalidentity. Denn dadurch entstehe eine Vorhersagbarkeit der Entwicklung beim Rezipienten, welche wiederum nicht mit der Wirklichkeit zu vereinbaren sei, weil diese aus Unvorhersehbarkeiten bestehe. Zudem beherrschen die aufgeführten Schüler die Zielsprache nahezu fließend, was auf Auslandsaufenthalte und auf den erteilten bilingualen Unterricht zurückzuführen ist.2. I had thought I was acting out of courage,but it turned out that I was merely demonstrating the most abject formof cowardice: rejoicing in my contempt for the world, refusing to lookthings squarely in the face. This time he is not trying out a new look or role, in theway adolescents often do, but merely dressing in a cheap and practicalmanner, without caring how he appears to others: “My friends werestartled by this transformation,” Marco says, but “what they thoughtwas finally the least of my concerns” (25). Paul Auster's Moon Palace from 1989 deals with psychological material that was just beginning to be the focus of psychological studies in the early 90s, and that is still largely uninvestigated by professionals. He wrote his first autobiographic….des articles pour des revues, commence les premières versions du Voyage d'Anna Blume et de Moon Palace, travaille sur un pétrolier, revient en France pour un séjour de trois ans (1971-1974) où il vit de ses traductions (Mallarmé, Sartre, Simenon), et écrit des poèmes et des pièces de théâtre en un acte.