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But fortunately, we have wonderfully restored examples like the gorgeous ’59 Cannonball in this video. While the show itself is pretty typical of the era (late ’50’s) it does have some great footage of trucking in a truck just like this ( only a road tractor)We had them in the Coast Guard :40 ft boats from about 1950 to about 1985, The 40′ footer had 2 twin 6-71’s Spent 2 years with one in Oswego NY. And in a Bruin/Brigadeer? Used to pull the throttle cable on the old R model Macks when we were on the interstate, poor mans cruise control. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The 500 (?) The secret to its power was 2-stroke operation. Detroit Diesel 6-71 Arrangement, displacement, bore, stroke and compression ratio Arrangement 6-71N 6 Cyl In-Line, Naturally Aspirated 6-71T 6 Cyl In-Line, turbocharged 6-71TA 6 Cyl In-Line, turbocharged, aftercooled 6-71TI 6 Cyl In-Line, turbocharged, intercooled Displacement 6-71 - 7.0 liter, 426 CID Bore 4.25 in, 180.0 mm Stroke 5.0 in, 127.0 mm But unfortunately, the same design characteristics that made the engine so popular, and its sound so distinctive, eventually led to its demise. Bonjour à tous ! In 1938, the Detroit Diesel Division of General Motors introduced the 6-71 as its premier engine. This unique configuration, featuring a power stroke each revolution, gives the Detroit (pronounced DEE-troit by many old-time truckers) its highly distinctive exhaust note: a rattling, rumbling roar. Il ne se stabilise pas, semble tourner à régime normal quelques secondes, puis il baisse de régime, monte ensuite dans un régime assez haut quelques secondes, et revient à la normal. It was used in landing craft during World War II and is used today in private boats and training facilities. Fisher Body-built M10s were deployed overseas while the Ford-built M10A, with … CHH WT 19 3 70 stroke).

So the displacement here is 426 cubic inches, though versions of the 71 series were made of one to 24 cylinders for every imaginable purpose.

Y'a t'il moyen de régler cela sans passer par ces étapes ?

vos centres d’intérêts. Bonjour à tous ! The 30 ft boats had a single 6-71 as it was a single screw boat in contrast to the 40 twin screw.All I can say is for years before and after me we did one hell’va job with the hull and power!

!RE je crois que je suis allez un peu trop vite avec les injecteurs en fait tu as un DDEC I qui gére l' ECM et EDU et l'EUI (Electronic Unit Injector) donc laisse tomber le pro de l'injecteur et va direct chez le concessionnaire pour qu'il le passe à la valise (PC contrôle)Ok, merci pour cette info ! Selon moi, prioritairement : The metallurgy and engine construction at the time did not always prove to be able to withstand the increased pressures. Notre question est : Peut on vraiment mettre une huile C-4 pour une recommandation C-3 ? And yes, driving a 318 sucks.

Je viens à la recherche d'information, car nous rencontrons un problème avec un moteur GM DETROIT Diesel 6.71 marine, qui équipe notre goélette en cours de réparation.

... GM Detroit Diesel 671N , 6-71 Natural Marine Diesel Engine 165 HP . The kerosene could be stored outside without fear of gelling.Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: gallon fuel tank was at ground level.One disappointment in the video. The rings were completely gone from (3) pistons, two pistons had just one left and, only (1) piston was intact. Pour la doc technique tu peux trouvé ça sur aux states ILL. ( about 4 hours, one way) came back, and parked it in the garage. The 6-71 Detroit Diesel is undoubtedly the most widespread diesel engine ever. However, Grey Marine also took the 6-71 and modified it as a marine engine for use on landing craft, such as the LCVP. This put what is now Detroit Diesel in the spotlight and helped it become the most popular company for small diesel engines.What is a 2-Stroke engine?
RA It’s got to be a 4-valve engine which would be a lot newer than the 2-valve version that would’ve been the primary power source for this one. The inline models were offered in …

Et des qu'on recupere internet, promis, j'envoi des photos de la bete...MIL-L-2104 B = SHELL ROTELLA T1 SAE 90 pour transmission $4,999.00. Howard is right, a multi geared transmission was a must with the two stroke, you had to keep the RPM’s high to have any power. )), on entend un claquement métallique sec et rapide, assez fort, qui s'arrête lorsque nous revenons à un régime normal. Donc, depuis la derniere fois, nous avons eue fort a faire avec le greement, et nous avons laisse le moteur de cote quelques temps. Clearly, the 2 cycle Detroit hit a nerve with me. or Best Offer +$399.00 shipping. Not to say there weren’t some runnin’ Detroit’s. See search results that fit your vehicle. “Cannonball.” Introducing the video, they said, “Its unmistakable sound was once everywhere, in every city and along every highway in America: the rumbling roar of the Detroit Diesel 6-71 engine.
I just can’t contain myself. Qu'en pensez vous ?Plus de sujets relatifs à : Problème avec un moteur GM Detroit Diesel 6.71Salut, il faudrait savoir lequel des 3 modèles 6.71 ???

By today’s standard it is a pig in the power department, but at the time it was revolutionary. A lot had 13 and 15 speed transmissions. nous n'avons plus acces a internet pour l'instant, donc desole pour le manque de suivi (cyber cafe en espagne...)