Nagisa was in Class D during his first two years of middle school before falling into Class E due to poor grades.Soon after starting the new term as a Class E student, Nagisa met As the narrator and main protagonist of the series, Nagisa is the student that is given the most screen time out of all his classmates. The class spent the next three days biding their time, planning their infiltration and defeating the enemies stealthily. Because of that, he chose Nagisa to challenge Takaoka in a "mock assassination", which Nagisa skillfully won. His hair goes past his shoulders due to his mother forcing him to keep it that way. Nagisa resolves that they resume their assassination attempts on Korosensei until their graduation. An argument rose between the film director and the line producer, who soon quit his job on the spot, which resulted in mass panic amongst the film crew and prompted the class to help out in various roles. Despite the harsh difficulty of the exams set by the principal, the efforts of Nagisa and the class rewarded them all with the top 50 spots, thereby beating Class A decisively. He wakes up at night in front of the Class E building with Hiromi standing with a fire torch in hand. Sakura is a young girl Nagisa sometimes teaches at Wakaba Park's Nursery, eventually becoming her personal tutor. When there was a chance Korosensei could be saved, Nagisa was the first who suggested they should. After Maehara called on Class 3-E to start dancing, Nagisa is invited by Kayano to dance with her.After a total of seven years after Korosensei's assassination he became a student teacher at Paradise High School as the Homeroom Teacher of Class 3-5, a class that was disorderly and full of male delinquents. Happy to hear that they are willing to start over, Nagisa leaves with his class, escorted by Gakushu and his friends to protect him and Class 3-E from the media that were attempting to interview any of Class 3-E members about their beloved teacher. Nagisa's bloodlust is often represented by a snake.Assassination Classroom Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. {Info from Wikipedia} Nagisa Shiota is a student in Korosensei's Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High School and the protagonist and main narrator of Assassination Classroom. He kept it in a long ponytail until Seven years after graduation, his hair is noticeably shorter and no longer tied in pigtails, though he still keeps his bangs. In the official Graduation Album, Karma spent time with Nagisa as a drinking buddy. März 2015 startete in den japanischen Kinos eine Realverfilmung.Auf Deutsch erscheinen beide Filme bei AV Visionen. According to Koro-sensei in his talk with Nagisa's father, it is because Nagisa asked everyone to call him by his given name so he could easily make the transition back to his old name if his parents ever ended up getting back together.He is usually represented by a snake due to his ability to hide his bloodlust and strike at the least expected moment. They head inside the classroom and fall asleep whilst reading the graduation album and book of advice Korosensei had written for each of them. Nagisa Shiota is a student in Korosensei's Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High School and the protagonist and main narrator of Assassination Classroom. This ability allows Nagisa to find a person's "gap in consciousness" or, in other words, openings where they let their guard down as well as their "peak in consciousness", which is the state of mind i which a person is highly susceptible to outside stimuli such as the Clap Stunner, which he has made effective use of in different ways, from stunning enemies before attacking them to simple, almost trivial things such as being able to remove a size label from clothing without the person wearing it noticing.Marksmanship: In June, Nagisa scored 84/200 in Marksmanship, making him the fifth best among the boys and seventh overall amongst his class.Kiss of Death: Nagisa has shown some level of skill when using Irina's "Kiss of Death" technique, able to acquire 15 "Hits" off of Kaede. When Nagisa's bloodlust is released or directed at someone, it is metaphorically represented as a large, blood-soaked snake coiled around Nagisa's target with its fangs bared and ready to strike at any moment. As he grew up, Nagisa followed his former mentor's example and became a teacher (ironically with a bunch of delinquents) and used the assassination skills he learned to keep them in line. Nagisa Shiota is a student in Korosensei's Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High School and the protagonist and main narrator of Assassination Classroom. According to the official character book, Nagisa is the only person to have visited Karma's house.It has been noted that Nagisa greatly admires Karma's brilliance and easygoing personality.