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Kid refused to submit to Kaido and tried to fight him only to be defeated and captured. Kaido's main weapon is a giant Kanabo mace. Kaido notices Luffy glaring at him despite being unconscious. Kaido announces to his crew that he have a plan called the "New Onigashima Project". Prior to the Kaido first heard of Luffy after finding out that he worked with Trafalgar Law to destroy his SMILE production. Kaido meets with the Flying Six, Jack, and King. He is stated to be a being that is near immortal and simply cannot be killed. He command Kaido was sent crashing to the ground. When Kaido is faced with strong opponents like Luffy or Eustass Kid, he is willing to allow them to join his crew despite the problems they have caused him or their defiance. Orochi was against Kaido taking the Flower Capital and Kaido responds by decapitating him with King's sword to Orochi's men's horror. As Kaido looks down the stage to see what is going on, the Nine Red Scabbards appear behind him and the All-Stars.

Kaido was frustrated by Momonosuke's response and proceeds to get to the execution until an explosion caught his attention. Kaido is a tan, middle-aged man who cuts an imposing figure due in equal measure to his great heightKaido's head, atop his bulky neck, is disproportionally small as well (smaller than his hands) and has a massive pair of gray-white, sharp-pointed horns come out of its sides, curving slightly to the front, then upward. Word of Doflamingo's defeat and the destruction of the SMILE factory brought Kaido mourning at his loss much to his drunken emotional sorrow.In the end though, Kaido was merely using Orochi as a pawn, and once Kaido revealed his New Onigashima Project, he beheaded Orochi when the latter objected to it. The group proceeds to attack Kaido and fall off the stage. He easily defeated Luffy, a pirate with a bounty of 1,500,000,000 who used both third and gear fourth to attack but Kaido knocked him with a single strike from his spiked mace, showing a glimpse of his abilities.

However, no method of execution was effective on him, and Kaido managed to sink nine massive prison ships that held him.Kaido was not recognized as one of the top pirates in the world until around the time when 20 years ago when Oden and his nine retainers were on their way to Onigashima, Kaido and his crew confronted them in the Udon region.

Luffy introduces himself to Kaido.

He is said to have survived countless situations where he would have been killed or executed. Jack tried to track Raizo. He then called out one of his assistants, Bao Huang, to read off his schedule for the evening.

At the same time, he express his distaste for people like Luffy and Kid who posses Conquerors Haki because he sees that there are too many of them and does not want more Conqueror Haki users to join his crew.

He is capable of swinging his kanabo hard enough to send a normal-sized person flying into the distance in one blow,Kaido also possesses nigh-indestructible durability, even without using This durability has given Kaido the reputation of being unable to die. Kaido later gets news that one of his three calamities, Kaido appears and orders his men to remove the seastone chains from The evening of the Fire Festival, Kaido is shown to be drunk. When Big Mom attempted to invade Wano Country, Kaido feared it would become an all-out war and furiously ordered his crew to stop her, especially after being aware that Big Mom's powerful children were accompanying their mother.

Kaido screams in pain and falls onto the ground. When Kaido is faced with strong opponents like Luffy or Eustass Kid, he is willing to allow them to join his crew despite the problems they have caused him or their defiance.

Kaido gets up and gets into a brief skirmish with the scabbards.