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Montesquiou had organized an evening in honor of Verlaine and had staged Les Uns et les Autres with two famous actresses of the day. Over seven years, this hôtel particulier frequently welcomed celebrities: Paris’ aristocracy, the Queen of Naples, Queen Isabel II of Spain, Kapurthala’s Maharadjah, and even the Kings of Spain and Portugal in 1905.

The Palais Rose was built in 1899, inspired by the Grand Trianon in Versailles. Having gotten no use from the building in two years, Tata agreed to part with it, selling the property to a man of letters who had instantly fallen in love with the Palais Rose. 1, comprising the Palais Rose and the Ermitage, was purchased by Olivier Scrive in 1938. There were no substantial changes to the Palais Rose until it was purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Blumental in the early 1980s. The resident of the Palais Rose was also famed for his magnificent receptions.Although visitors were not as frequent as they had been when the poet resided in the Pavillon des Muses in She also loved disguises and dyed her hair in an era where the practice was uncommon. The Revue Municipale du Vésinet and La Curieuse Histoire du Vésinet mention a Marquise Casati. On 20 April 1896 the cornerstone of what was to become one of the last great hôtel particulier of the 19century was laid: the Palais Rose. La Société d’Histoire du Vésinet explains that Louise Amman was the separated wife of Marquis Camillo Casati.”Not to be confused with the current SCI Le Palais Rose.This version is supported by the GRAHAL study in 1999. It was built by Paul-Ernest Sanson and René Sergent, some of the last remaining architects influenced by neoclassicism. Schweitzer and his wife had little opportunity to enjoy the property. The modifications to the structure made by its various occupants were confined to interior decoration and redesign of the park until that date. He applied stone surfacing to the base of the building to “emphasize its massiveness, which was necessary to display the main floor to the best advantage.” When the Blumentals purchased the Ermitage in April 1982, they again commissioned Jean-Louis Cardin to carry out the restoration.

On the exterior, he redid the balustrade, and restored the masonry, removing its gold patina. The sale came about from Anna Gould’s granddaughter, The most important piece in the auction is the Cartier “Boniface de Castellane, known as ‘Boni’ was a key figure of the Belle Époque, a celebrated dandy of the Parisian scene, who was also involved in politics. However, there was no question of bankruptcy in his case. The Hotel is endowed with a two-hundred-meter long beach spread all along the bay of Agadir. It seems that The Palais Rose was purchased in the late 1990s by SCI Palais Rose. He modified the north, south, and west façades, as well as the building's interior layout. Nested in the beautiful Ibis Parc of Le Vésinet, this inspired Grand Trianon palace, listed as a historical monument, provides 2000 sq. On this point, it contradicts the article in the Revue Municipale du Vésinet published in 1982, where it is claimed that the division plan failed and that the Palais Rose was bought in 1938 by Olivier Scrive.On this subject, see La Curieuse Histoire du Vésinet.The article in the Revue Municipale du Vésinet was particularly valuable in providing information on the alterations to the park made by the Comte de Montesquiou. meters of family and entertaining space over lower ground, garden level and ground floor. C'était le plus somptueux des hôtels de la fin du XIX éme siècle, il contenait la réplique de l'escalier des ambassadeurs de Versailles. All these lower rooms were provided with very tiny windows opening onto the garden.