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As long as I'm with me I know I'll be alright Paroles AU TOP <3 <3: rory Il y a 13 an(s) à 23:07 5934 2 3 6 tout à fait d'akor avec, vous friends é l'une dé rare séri dan lékel on se retrouve :-D et cette song mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm troooooo coooooooooooool, j'adore vraiment <3 :-° yox Il y a 12 an(s) 11 mois à 18:59

I have no friends but I'll be fine - And they mana... and with... and by applying equations, they managed to narrow a perimeter and found his neighborhood, where he lived with probabilities. Rather be alone

- We answer... we answer to a... That's it, that's it, that's a fucking algorithm. I don't need them anyway Intro (Phases) Sélection des chansons du moment. I think you need to stop scratching the friendship, yo, find something else to do (find something else to do)

Without... no need for witnesses. All I need is me myself no friends 'Cause I can't read social cues

Now I've mixed different molecules, so I'm thinking about everything we could have No friends, got no friends No friends, got no plans Sunset, with no friends No friends, no, no friends [Vald] Fuck it, Seezy déprimé, V.A.L.D V.I.P Nos merdes se sont fait primer, nos mères devaient se priver Elles peuvent être fières de leurs gosses, on remplit tout l'Zénith, pas juste la fosse 1. If the proponent State has no friends in the Council, the right to make proposals is rendered meaningless, making the proposal or draft resolution an exercise in futility. Spent my love on just myself Our shit got primered, our mothers had to deprive themselves I don't need them (don't need them) to pass the time (ah) I only think about fucking them and fucking them again, only F.T.A. Mountains of kids who love me, on mountains of drug, I fall asleep Testicles, one-two, Chupa Chups in the air, find the right way (find the right way) traduction des paroles. no friends parole no friends traduction no friends cadmium lyrics no friends cadmium paroles traduction no friends cadmium (feat. No friends, no friends. No friends, no friends [Couplet 1 : Vald] Fuck it, Seezy déprimé, V.A.L.D V.I.P. hobriender Il y a 2 an(s) 5 mois à 14:23 659 1 3 "F-R-I-EN-D-S" serait mieux "A-M-I" puisque c'est une traduction autant la faire jusqu'au bout "Don't go look at me with that look in your eye" : "Ne me regarde pas avec ce regard-là", il vaut mieux traduire du sens que traduire mot-à-mot: Caramiam

And when I put my resting bitch face on I look stone cold You know I don't mean no harmI'm just trying to be myself but Traduction de No New Friends. They can be proud of their kids, we fill the whole Zenith, not just the pit No friends, no friends No friends, no friends No friends, no friends No friends, no friends [Vald:] Fuck it, Seezy déprimé, V.A.L.D V.I.P Nos merdes se sont fait primer, nos mères devaient se priver Elles peuvent être fières de leurs gosses, on remplit tout l’Zénith, pas juste la fosse Rather be alone I don't need them anyway (No friends) Vous trouverez ci-dessous les paroles , la vidéo musicale et la traduction de No Friends - Lil Antdog dans différentes langues. I do my best all on my own I'm at the top of the top, at the edge of the cliff (at the edge of the cliff) Rosendale ont été traduites en 11 langue(s)11 traduction disponible ||| 11 traductions disponiblesPeople say I try too hard (No friends) Roll the dice on tonight, go and roll 'em out (Huh)Give me more than enough to go smile about (Ayy, ayy)J'ai tout ce dont j'ai besoin dans un monde de doutesNous avons notre champagne de rêves dans une sécheresse infinieNous sommes les rois et les reines cherchant nos asNous avons tout ce dont nous avons besoin, pas de nouveaux amis maintenantRoll the dice on tonight, go and roll 'em out (Huh)Give me more than enough to go smile about (Ayy, ayy)J'ai tout ce dont j'ai besoin dans un monde de doutesNous avons notre champagne de rêves dans une sécheresse infinieNous avons tout ce dont nous avons besoin, pas de nouveaux amis maintenantJ'ai tout ce dont j'ai besoin dans un monde de doutesNous avons notre champagne de rêves dans une sécheresse infinieNous avons tout ce dont nous avons besoin, pas de nouveaux amis maintenant I have no friends Elles peuvent être fières de leurs gosses, on remplit tout l'Zénith, pas juste la fosse I have no friends but that's okay I refuse to grow old, I will make history or steal Pharrell's alleles (woah) I do my best, all on my own Don't know who they're being normal for Even if the faith, by shooting, civilians on the ground I'm so proud to be me Articulate a little, you rap, it looks like cabbage soup, motherfucker Threw my inhibitions out the door (out the door) It's just something in my brain I don't got no shame And, the guy, they caught him like that, actually. And I'd just rather be alone I'd just rather be alone Paroles No Friends Le 27/10/2019 - Par Music Story. I don't need them anyway ... We got all we need, no new friends now. Don't know why people don't like me more I don't need them anyway No New Friends. Even if the faith, by shooting, civilians on the ground 'Cause all I need is me myself and 2. I'd just rather be alone Rather be alone I have no friends 1 Mais je t'aimeGrand Corps Malade. En poursuivant votre navigation, vous acceptez l’utilisation de cookies. (No friends) (uhhhhh uhh uh)

Nous avons tout ce dont nous avons besoin, pas de nouveaux amis maintenant.

Even if the faith, by shooting, civilians on the ground That's why I don't care I just wanna say I am asked if I live the beautiful life and when do I call back? Rather be alone Pour améliorer la traduction, vous pouvez suivre ce lien ou appuyer sur le … And I tore it all apart And I'd just rather be alone I do my best all on my own I'll scare you off with my crazy eyes Kida PP. You'll never know the secrets that I'm keeping rosendale) no friends cadmium (feat. By reading it, I end up believing that by saying it, I end up being it Ils ont réussi à l'localiser avec des maths, … I have no friends I do my best all on my own I don't need them to pass the time