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The ventriloquist begins the performance but seems to have a disagreement with Sam about something. Someone got up and punched the puppet once and I thought, that's the ultimate compliment really - he didn't punch me, he punched the puppet. He first performed as a magician on the BBC's Tricky Business before going on to host Rise And Shine for GMTV, having been inspired to go into ventriloquism a decade earlier when a family friend made him a puppet theatre, with which he put on shows at the age of 10.His characters include cheeky pre-teen Sam, pensioner Albert and Baby.Speaking of the moment before he beat comedian Drew Lynch to the first place position, Zerdin said: "I thought that he was going to win it, so I had my congratulations speech all worked out in my head, just to say: 'Well done mate, you deserve every moment of it.' Simon Cowell Has Ashley Marina Sing 3 Times!

This is what I like to do to confuse the sound man in the sound check and make them think that microphone is gone out of sink Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello It's not looking good Would you please welcome my friend Sam So this is Sam not me then Oh my God Sam here we are America's Got Talent America's got Talent look look look who these people these are the judges.

- America's Got Talent 202012-Year-Old Annie Jones Sings "Dance Monkey" by Tones and I - America's Got Talent 2020Magician Consumed by Cards?! Hilarity Ensues - America's Got Talent 2020Erin McCarthy Performs Opera While Riding a HORSE?! Shakir & Rihan Deliver Amazing Dance Moves!

Alexis & The Puppy Pals Deliver Amazing Tricks!

"We rely on advertising to help fund our award-winning journalism.We urge you to turn off your ad blocker for The Telegraph website so that you can continue to access our quality content in the future. - America's Got Talent 2020Siena Uremovic Performs Acrobatics and Dance with a BLINDFOLD! - America's Got Talent 2020Thirteen-Year-Old Daneliya Tuleshova Sings "Tears of Gold" by Faouzia - America's Got Talent 2020Will He Hold a Guinness World Records Title?! By using the site, you consent to these cookies. She Stuns the Judges - America's Got Talent 2020The AGT Judges Pull Swords out of Brett Loudermilk?! Crew Receives Simon Cowell's Support - America's Got Talent 2020Beyond the Stage Brought to You by Dunkin': Cristina Rae - America’s Got Talent 2020Golden Buzzer: Cristina Rae Gives a Life-Changing, Emotional Performance - America's Got Talent 2020Eighty-Year-Old Comedian Marty Ross Tells Funny Stories About His Age - America's Got Talent 2020Resound Delivers Inspiring Performance of "What the World Needs Now" - America's Got Talent 2020Celina's performance of "Mercy" by Shawn Mendes Might Make You Cry - America's Got Talent 2020Amanda LaCount Delivers Confidence and Stunning Dance to Todrick Hall! Look at them What are those perfect toilet toilet quiz I see your lips moving Well you know that Ventriloquist one America's got I saw that Terry Terry fader I think he makes like a hundred million a year I hear in Las Vegas Okay Is that your Dream Yes What is your Dream to make a hundred million that is more than the moment Yes Start with one on winning this one Okay. Related Videos. Anthony Ying 8,054,186 views.

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Stop copying me Look Look seriously. Winston Performs Incredible Card Tricks - America's Got Talent 2020Comedian Ty Barnett Will Make You Laugh with This Stand-Up! WINNER Ventriloquist | … - America's Got Talent 2020Mentalist Max Major SHOCKS the Judges from Hundreds of Miles Away!