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After about 25 km, near Foneko, turn right onto the road going east to Kokoro. A visit to Kokoro Wetland northeast of Tahoua produced a Lesser Jacana Microparra capensis on 23 February - which was unusually far north. One can take the road to Kollo and a bit beyond to Sibéri and turn into the irrigation areas along the river anywhere. Two Red-winged Warblers Heliolais erythropterus were identified at Tapoa; this is only the second record for the country. At least one adult male House Sparrow Passer domesticus was reported from Agadez on 15 November (BFo). The wetland, located some 80 km north-west of Birni N'Konni and 350 km due east of Niamey, extends from the village of Tawèy to the village of Dan Doutchi, 6 km to the west. Fish species include The wetland was surveyed in January and February 1995 - 1998 during which time 26 species of waterbird were observed. De la Costa Brava aux Pyrénées de Gérone, partez découvrir un riche patrimoine, une gastronomie formidable et un choix d'activités immense. (eds. In November, several Rüppell’s Sylvia rueppelli and Sardinian Warblers S. melanocephala were observed at Termit; both are under-reported species that winter in the drier parts of Niger. Now, let’s search for London.Type the query in the Name contains... box in the OSM Place Search panel. Fifty Lesser Kestrels Falco naumanni were counted in the Dallol Bosso at Birni N’Gaoré on 15 January.A Little Crake Porzana parva was photographed at Goudel ricefields (13°53'N 02°05'E) on 5 March.
Basic supplies and accommodation are available in Agadez.Copyright © African Bird Club. Trouvez l’adresse qui vous intéresse sur la carte Niamey ou préparez un calcul d'itinéraire à partir de ou vers Niamey, trouvez tous les sites touristiques et les restaurants du Guide Michelin dans ou à proximité de Niamey. You may also be able to find basic supplies and accommodation in Damagaram-Taker: we ourselves never tried.Chiya or Chia wetland lies 2 km north-east of the village of Chia-ta Inga, 10 km due north of the town of Miria or Mirriah and 15 km east of Zinder, in southern Niger. Increasing use of the area for cropping and for livestock production may also become a problem. Kokoro is especially notable for the large number of Kokoro and Namga wetlands can be reached from Niamey by taking the road towards Tillabéri and crossing the Niger River after about 60 km by the Bac Farié ferry (the ferry is about 2 km from the Tillabri road). For safety reasons tourists must be accompanied by a registered Park guide at all times when inside the Park. During the waterbird censuses in January-February, the area of the run-off dependent wetland varied accordingly from 450 to 1,500 ha. Buy Cialis Black in Gambia Banjul. Pp.241-254 in GIAZZI, F. The plateaux support a (degraded) tiger bush vegetation, while wooded savanna with dry thorn scrub as well as some large trees occurs in the lower-lying areas.There are a number of temporary water courses which in places are lined by majestic A number of small villages occur throughout the district, mostly near the drainage lines. Giraudoux and colleagues listed a total of 473 species for the country. (eds. Comment obtenir des informations cadastrales sur un immeuble, une maison ou un terrain et trouver le propriétaire d'une parcelle. About 6 or 8 km past the turn-off to Tahoua there should be a sign for Mozagué along a dirt road to the right, otherwise just ask a local person a bit past the Tahoua turn-off. The reservoir is heavily fished for Waterbirds have been counted at Mozagué in January 1993 - 1998 during which time 32 species were recorded.
For a great wetland area take the run-off east to ICRISAT Sahelian Centre about 35 km along the Say road, continue on about 6 km past the entrance to ICRISAT (the road veers north-east at the corner of the fence) and just before you go down to Dougel Kaina on the river turn right to a disused irrigation area below the cliffs (13°16'N 02°20'E). ISBN 2-8761-4579-0. The nearest known records of this species are from Sudan on the border with Ethiopia, 2,500 km away.Additional reports from December 2009–June 2010 include the following. & EVANS, M.E. When not, a 4WD or a lot of patience is highly recommended.There were no tourist facilities at either Kokoro or Namga when I was last there in 1997. Drive or take a taxi to Goudel and turn left into the irrigation area either just before or a bit after the Hotel les Rôniers. 832 pages.Helm Field Guide. The maximum area of the reservoir is 1,300 ha but its extent is heavily dependent on recent rainfall; the reservoir is shallow (5 - 7 m) with gently sloping sides, such that levels fall quickly after the rains and water only lasts for about 8 months. Subsistence farming is widespread with sorghum and millet the main crops.

(2009) Avifaune des zones humides du Parc National du W du Niger: importance et répartition dans le temps et dans l’espace. Hunting was largely banned in 1974 but has, since 1996, been legalised again on a much wider scale and as such, represents a significant threat to fauna throughout the country. Vegetation includes abundant The wetlands are owned by the government but may be used by the local population under supervision and the wetlands are much used for the grazing and watering of livestock. These include watching under what cover you sleep and being careful about what you eat and drink.