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This website is the result of a passion: Humans and the Earth. La démocratie nouvelle dans cette république d’Afrique du Nord est en marche, et il lui faudra encore quelques temps pour se remettre d’une année 2011 historique, qui a bouleversé non seulement le pays, mais aussi toute la région d’Afrique du Nord et d’Asie de l’Ouest.Les infrastructures restent encore en retrait mais le pays s’équipe et se modernise quand même de plus en plus. Although the energy sector started to become more transparent, there is still a huge lack of trust and confidence in the public data available regarding natural resources.

PROFESSIONAL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM (PFP) WITH LEGACY INTERNATIONALTackling Youth Radicalization through Inclusion in Post-Revolutionary TunisiaPROFESSIONAL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM (PFP) WITH LEGACY INTERNATIONALTackling Youth Radicalization through Inclusion in Post-Revolutionary Tunisia Ainsi, sur un fond berbère, et après avoir assimilé à travers son histoire les Phéniciens, les Romains, les Vandales, les Arabes puis les Maures, les Turcs et les Français, bien qu'il n'existe pas d'étude récente, on estime qu'une grande partie de la population tunisienne se décrit comme arabe et de confessio…

Ce site est le fruit d'une passion : les Humains et la Terre. Tataouine (Berber languages: Tiṭṭawin; Arabic: تطاوين ‎) is a city in southern Tunisia.It is the capital of the Tataouine Governorate.The below-ground "cave dwellings" of the native Berber population, designed for coolness and protection, render the city and the area around it a tourist and film makers' attraction. The movement started spontaneously with tens of protesters to quickly attract hundreds of people that set up almost 80 tentsThe governorate of Tataouine has the largest natural resource fields in Tunisia, such as Borma, Adem, Chourouk, and Nawara, which will soon start gas production expected to be the largest gas field in TunisiaFour main national and international oil companies (ETAP–MAZARINE –PERENCO-WINSTAR) operate in the governorate and are engaged since 2016 in the Social Responsibility Program led by the Tunisian Enterprise for the Petroleum Activities (ETAP)Over the first four months, the protests ed to the government losses amounting to 400 million dinars, according to the Minister of EmploymentProtesters demanded 20% of the revenues from the oil industry in Tataouine to be allocated to development projects, in accordance with article 136 of the Tunisian Constitution of 2014, that allows the use of part of the revenues from natural resources for regional development projects. Créateur et éditeur de, cartes et statistiques sur les populations et les pays du monde. Through an inclusive policy development process, the project opens the door to citizens, civil society organizations, activists, unions and local government officials to engage in a series of consultations to evaluate current policies and discuss feasible alternatives.The Maghreb Economic Forum (MEF) is an independent Think-and-Do Tank founded in 2011 on the premise of supporting economic and social development in the five Maghreb countries. The transparency of the energy sector has improved and specific data on production are becoming more available, for example with the publication of the oil contracts on the open public portal of the Ministry of IndustriesTherefore, what are the reasons behind this mistrust?The Mushawarat project seeks to tackle urgent socio-economic challenges in the governorates of Gafsa and Tataouine and to improve natural resources governance. Notre vocation est d'informer les internautes sur le monde et les populations qui y vivent, par le biais de fiches pays synthétiques, de statistiques, de cartes d'actualités, d'articles ponctuels, le tout dans divers domaines touchant l'humanité. Maghreb Economic Forum - Independent THINK-AND-DO TANK based in Tunis. National Senior Citizens Day: August 21, 2020 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 40.3 million U.S. residents 65 years and older in the 2010 Census and more than 54 million on July 1, 2019. La situation des femmes est également l’une des meilleures parmi les sociétés arabes musulmanes. Tataouine never witnessed protests of this size, involving hundreds of young people from different levels of education. We do care about our and your health and we ask you to contact us in advance for appointments. Tataouine - Population 59 346 people Flag of Tunisia In July 2019 2020 Accessible information on the population of any region, fast work of the site and constant …

It had a population of 149,453 (at the 2014 census), nearly tied for second least-populated with Kebili (156,961) after Tozeur (107,912). Tataouine Governorate (Tunisian Arabic: ولاية تطاوين ‎ Wilāyat Taṭāwīn) is the southernmost of the twenty-four governorates of Tunisia, the only one to border both Algeria and Libya.It is also the largest, covering an area of 38,889 km².

MEF believes that an informed, active citizenry is the key to building sustainable economies and inclusive societies.Our team is fully back to the office.

The main reason for the escalation is the failure … This demand resonated in the words of prime minister Youssef El Shahed, who included it in one of his speeches on energy in May 2019Among other demands, protesters called for more transparency in the energy sector and the disclosure of the real value of the Tunisian natural resources. Our mission is to convene and mobilize diverse actors to catalyze sustainable economic and social development in the Maghreb. La démographie de la Tunisie se caractérise par l'uniformité de la population en matière de composantes culturelles ou religieuses. Transports, énergie, santé, éducation et libéralisation de la société sont en voie d’amélioration.