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Click on "Activate alert" to receive an email as soon as it is released. Pour louper l'école - Aldebert - MP3 instrumental karaoke.

Au bout de mes rêves. With backing vocals. Instrumental Version MP3 . Tempo: variable (around 140 BPM) In the same key as the original: Bm. Be the first to be updated when this track is made available! Instrumental Version MP3.

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0. Kids United Nouvelle Génération & Aldebert - Available songs. This song ends without fade out Duration: 2:46 - Preview at: 1:51. The instrumental MP3 of Pour louper l'école as made famous by Kids United Nouvelle Génération & Aldebert is not available yet.

All files available for download are reproduced tracks, they're not the original music. $1.99.

This title is a cover of Pour louper l'école as made famous by Aldebert. Add to cart. CDG Karaoke & Video