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Chef D’une Mouvance Plurielle: Talon affiche publiquement son penchant pour ” Deux enfants” (Matin libre) Coronavirus: Nigeria records 453 new cases, zero deaths on … Issoufou was the Prime Minister of Niger from 1993 to 1994, President of the National Assembly from February 1995 to 27 January 1996, and he has been a candidate in each presidential election since 1993. This is a list of heads of state of Niger since the country gained independence from France in 1960 to the present day. Le général Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara (qui signifie « le victorieux », en langue haoussa), né le 9 mai 1949 à Maradi (Afrique-Occidentale française) et mort le 9 avril 1999 à Niamey, est un militaire de carrière nigérien, président de la République de 1996 à 1999. Un Conseil national de sécurité "extraordinaire" a décidé lundi d'élargir l'état d'urgence à deux préfectures du Niger, dont celle de Kollo, qui administre la localité de Kouré, où huit personnes dont six humanitaires français ont été tuées dimanche. A major, lieutenant, and three other soldiers in Niger's military were arrested.On 7 November 2015, the PNDS designated Issoufou as its candidate for the (Chairperson of the Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy)1993 presidential election and appointment as Prime Minister1993 presidential election and appointment as Prime Minister Save a last-minute intervention, Ayetoro, a coastal community in South-west Nigeria, may soon be swept into the bin of history.The state government says it would not condone night parties

The current head of state of Niger is the President of the Republic Mahamadou Issoufou, since 7 April 2011. Tweet. He said that he was actually charged for political reasons.Issoufou won the January–March 2011 presidential election in a second round of voting against MNSD candidate In July 2011, a planned assassination of Issoufou was allegedly uncovered. Whatsapp. A défaut, un second tour est organisé trois semaines plus tard … Précédent; Suivant; Emploi pour francophone à l'etranger . The post COVID-19: Osun reopens hotels, relaxation centres, others appeared first on Premium Times...According to the bureau, Imo State reported the highest rate of unemployment in the country.Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) in Blantyre, the country’s major referral facility, on Wednesday evacuated patients to Zomba, Thyolo and Chiradzulu hospital due to...There was drama at Blantyre Magistrate Court as Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) commissioner Jean Mathanga lashed at a newspaper photojournalist for taking pictures...A report on the inquiry by the State-funded Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) into  the controversial discharge of  a Pakistani from a defilement...A 34-year-old man was chased to the bottom of a cliff by police after he allegedly stabbed two women in the Molweni area...A 27-year-old field guide has died after being gouged by an elephant at a private lodge next to the Kruger National Park.One song wonder Kalawe has condemned the BET Awards aspirant Patience Namadingo for abusing his fame in relation to bailing out legendary artist...The members of Lt Gen Tumukunde’s political pressure group ‘Renew Uganda’ denied the charges

In the Together with other opposition parties, the PNDS then joined a coalition, the On 28 September 1994, Issoufou resigned in response to a decree from Ousmane a week earlier that weakened the powers of the prime minister, and the PNDS withdrew from the governing coalition. In February 1993, the country's first multiparty legislative and presidential elections were held. Mahamadou Issoufou (born January 1, 1951) is a Nigerien politician who has been the Recent News. The opposition's victory in the election led to Issoufou placed fourth (receiving only 7.60% of the vote) in the flawed and controversial Maïnassara was killed in another military coup in April 1999, and new elections were held in late in the year. Mahamadou Issoufou (born 1 January 1951) is a Nigerien politician who has been the President of Niger since 7 April 2011. As a result, the coalition lost its parliamentary majority and Ousmane called a Issoufou and the PNDS forged an alliance with their old opponents, the MNSD, and in the January 1995 election that alliance won a slight majority of seats; Issoufou was then elected as President of the National Assembly. Il a mené en janvier 1996 le coup d'État de 1996 au Niger et pris la tête du Conseil de salut national, avant d'être tué dans un autre coup d'État trois ans plus tard. Est élu le candidat ayant recueilli la majorité absolue des suffrages exprimés au premier tour.