Rhaegar Targaryen was de oudste zoon van koning Aerys II Targaryen en Rhaelle Targaryen en was daarmee de kroonprins van de Zeven Koninkrijken. Rhaegar's sorrow at the behavior of his father (and his treatment of Queen Rhaella) gave him compassion for the suffering of others. Dec 17, 2017 - Explore jesoukup's board "GOT / Rhaegar Targaryen & Lyanna Stark", followed by 636 people on Pinterest. He was everything that could be hoped for in a future king, and very popular with lords and commoners alike - in contrast to his increasingly erratic father. As heir-apparent, he was first in the line of succession for the Iron Throne. The shift was gradual and he frequently recovered: by the time it became severe, Prince Rhaegar already showed such great promise as the future heir to the Cersei Lannister hoped that she would one day marry the Crown Prince, Rhaegar, given that her father Tywin was Hand of the King to Rhaegar's father.Because Aerys and Rhaella had produced no daughters for Rhaegar to wed, he had to look outside the family for a bride. Unfortunat…
He was everything that could be hoped for in a future king, and very popular with lords and commoners alike - in contrast to his increasingly erratic father. Rhaegar est décédé avant que les événements de la série ne commencent. His love for his child and wife might have consumed all of his reasons that it wouldn't have mattered what others thought of him or what his action would do, as long as he had his child and wife to love him and him to love them (similar to Rhaegar had silver-gold hair and dark indigo eyes, and was considered to be tall and handsome.
Kronprinz Rhaegar Targaryen (im Original: Rhaegar Targaryen) ist ein Charakter, der in der Serie Game of Thrones erwähnt wird und vor Beginn der Handlung starb. Rhaegar owned night-black plate armor, with the three-headed dragon of House Targaryen decorated in rubies on its breastplate, and underneath the plate he wore golden ringmail. What could possibly have motivated Rhaegar to not only elope with Lyanna, but fight a war to keep their marriage a secret, remains unknown. At court, there was growing tension between factions loyal to the king and to the prince. Epic Rhaegar:(This picture was made years before the character appeared in the show. And Rhaegar died." Hij werd tijdens Robert's Opstand gedood door de latere koning Robert I Baratheon. The hair of Aurane Waters is reminiscent of Rhaegar's, although the Bastard of Driftmark's is more silvery than gold. Both sides now mobilized the full might of their forces: Robert led his rebel army south (composed of Rhaegar confides in Barristan Selmy, implying that he will depose his father for the good of the Realm.Robert ultimately killed Rhaegar at the Trident by caving in his breastplate with a mighty blow from his war hammer.Rhaegar and Robert's forces finally clashed at the climactic Rhaegar's death increased the inevitability of Robert's victory.With Rhaegar's death, the Targaryen cause was doomed: most of their supporters had been fighting for Rhaegar, not the Mad King, so after he died most either surrendered or switched sides (not to mention that the main Targaryen army had been destroyed at the Trident).
And Rhaegar died." A su nacimiento fue nombrado Príncipe de Rocadragón, título tradicionalmente otorgado al heredero de los Siete Reinos.
Overall, Rhaegar is described as having a kind but melancholic personality, tormented by his father's growing insanity. Prince Aegon Targaryen was the second child and firstborn son of the Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, with Elia Martell. He then returned to Winterfell with him, claiming – even to his own wife – that Jon was his own bastard son rather than risk the boy's murder by anti-Targaryen zealots. Jon reacts incredulously, doubting his father would lie to him all his life, but Sam says that Ned lied to protect Jon from Jon and Daenerys stand near Lyanna's statue in the Crypts of Winterfell. Many assumed that in reward for Tywin's long and distinguished service as Aerys's chief advisor, the bond between the Targaryens and Instead of Cersei, Prince Rhaegar marries Elia Martell.Alienating his longtime Hand, Aerys instead agreed to an arranged marriage between Rhaegar and At the tourney feast, Rhaegar played a song on his harp of such beauty and sorrow that it moved Lyanna Stark to tears.After winning the Tourney at Harrenhal, Rhaegar shockingly rode past his own wife Elia to present the victor's crown to Lyanna Stark instead.Artistic depiction of Rhaegar's alleged "Abduction" of Lyanna Stark.About a year after the tourney, under as-yet unknown circumstances, Rhaegar allegedly Lyanna's father and eldest brother came to King's Landing demanding her return, but were horrifically executed by Aerys.Rhaegar leading the Targaryen army to face the rebels at the Battle of the Trident.Around the same time, Rhaegar suddenly returned to the royal court at King's Landing to lead the crown's armies. Ultimately, Rhaegar still remains a controversial and perplexing figure as his star-crossed romance with Lyanna Stark inadvertently led to his insane father sparking a war with half of the Seven Kingdoms.
He was the older brother of Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen and the husband of Elia Martell, with whom he had two children, Rhaenys and Aegon. Had the Lannisters not butchered Elia Martell and her children by Rhaegar, the Martells might have kept that view, but the Lannisters' needless brutality drove a wedge between Dorne and the new Lannister-funded Baratheon regime in King's Landing. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io He fell for Lyanna Stark (Ned's sister) at a jousting tournament and 'kidnapped' her (or so we were told – more on that later), infuriating her beloved, Robert Baratheon, and precipitating the war of Robert's Rebellion.The lords who supported King Aerys II in that war did so mostly because even though the king was psychotic, his heir was an altogether better bet. El príncipe Rhaegar Targaryen fue el hijo primogénito del rey Aerys II Targaryen y su hermana esposa, la reina Rhaella Targaryen.