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If you're on the hunt for Proud Mary raffia shoes, they can now be found at Scrobbling is when tracks the music you listen to and automatically adds it to your music profile.

Written by American singer and guitarist John Fogerty, Proud Mary was first recorded by rock band Creedence Clearwater Revival in 1969. This cover version became largely well k…

Get track Featuring the internationally renowned ex rhythm section from the 90s platinum recording act the Baby Animals, and with the front line being two of WA's most talented young musicians this band is rapidly gathering momentum as not only the country's best CCR tribute, but one of the nation's best …

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But in 1971,… 4

Their first hit, “A Fool in Love,” was recorded in 1961 when anoth…

Email. Do you know the lyrics for this track?

Proud Mary [프라우드 메리] Enter store using password. Ike & Tina Turner's Proud Mary were originally released in the album Workin' Together in late 1970, and in early 1971 as single, both by Liberty Records.

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Presented by FXM ... cover …

Written by American singer and guitarist John Fogerty, Proud Mary was first recorded by rock band Creedence Clearwater Revival in 1969.

Proud Mary are Australia's ultimate Creedence Clearwater Revival tribute.