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Then, immediately after, he cleverly uses the ironic slang term for Xanax pills (bars) to enrich his commentary about his relationship with the drug, as a prisoner. You really feel as though he's made the song just for you.Unlike a lot of MCs who act tough in their raps, Prodigy gets very real very quick in a way that's brutal and shocking. Further, it doesn't even matter if he's guilty because the innocence of childhood remains. Most rappers can't rap with the conviction nor the technical skill that Eminem does, and Em pulls them both off at the same time.Yeah, it's a simple line, but rolling like a g is a simple joy, and nobody has put it to music better than Snoop Dogg did here.Big Daddy Kane beautifully illustrates the creative process and delivers the lines as if he's dictating what's happening as it occurs. He is symbolically suggesting that judgment is coming tomorrow and that only the righteous will be saved -- or perhaps he's implying that judgment comes each day and every day you don't stand for something, you're virtually dead.By magnifying usually unnoticeable phenomenon like the sound of sweat trickling and a heart beating, Biggie suggests either that his foes are in a supernatural state of fear or that he's an extraordinary predator. His words are laced with a kind of bohemian wisdom that inspires more questions than it can hope to answer, but the ride is nonetheless enlightening. This abrupt shift doesn't allow the listener time to let Kanye's cousin grow, so when he's suddenly behind glass, we can't believe it either. The ultimate IDGAF line.Somewhat ironically, given his name, Masta Killa meditates on the difference between homicide and the death penalty, and implies that civic systems that practice the death penalty may be acting hypocritically.Nobody can describe hopelessness like Cage can. Wayne is on a trip, yet he's ultimately confined -- the tragedy of drug use.Kendrick borrows biblical images of the apocalypse to give importance and immediacy to the words that follow: Stand for something, or die in the morning. More than just a commentary on rap, this is a commentary on capitalism and how the motivation it provides can be misguided. When combined, the gap between what we need and what he have is clear and startling.Wale is a cool cat, and his wordplay here is seamless. Whether or not you believe Huey Newton was a good person is irrelevant to the tragedy of his death, given what he was trying to do and that he died at the hands of a rivaling revolutionary faction. You get the sense that the shoes of Run-D.M.C. Police may have the advantage most times, but not in his neck of the woods.Common explains the profound pain that went along with the decision to get an abortion. Here he wonders about a non-denominational heaven, and you can never quite tell if he interprets it literally or figuratively, which is probably purposeful and likely the most useful imagination.2Pac has always been one for keeping things simple, at least on the surface, but what this rhyme suggests about the nature of man is insidious. What compels a person to fall from grace?The best part from most technically tight song in rap history, these lyrics and, indeed, the rest of the song, are the anthem for anybody stepping up to face their ultimate desire. The gist of what Cage is saying may be simple: I'll burn your house down and kill you. Kanye West is a rap genius, best character of our era. He then pairs this with a commentary on the priorities of the day's youth, who are more concerned with video games than practical knowledge. have lived more than most people have.Shad's wordplay is so subtle, so effortless, you don't even realize he's doing it at first, and when you do, you think back and say, "Damn, Shad. Earl speaks about trying to climb out of something dark, but the figurative weight of his sins is keeping him down like Vince Carter's old knees (Vince Carter could once fly like even Air Jordan couldn't). Ahh, shit!Ice Cube brilliantly reworks the idiom, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush," as a critique of then president George H.W. He's a genius Cause I love a woman like you Submit Corrections. By clicking 'X' or continuing to use the site, you agree to allow cookies to be placed. The juxtaposition of this poverty with the image of Big indulging in fine champagne when water would suffice presents the full picture of a made man.When "Dear Mama" was inducted into the Library of Congress, 2Pac's mother reacted by saying this: "It is a song that spoke not just to me, but every mother that has been in that situation, and there have been millions of us. The proliferation of his music isn't simply transmission of sound; it's his mode of expression, and, as the rest of this section of the song explains, a tool to teach and connect people.Besides the impeccable sound of the second line, replete with assonance, consonance and internal half-rhyme, the desperate but pitch-black funny Vince Carter metaphor is so powerful. Free unused rap lyrics provided for your freestyle rap or good rap songs.Free Rap lyrics that save you time and allow you to make more tracks. Either way, it's pretty terrifying. The image of a seamstress sitting at her machine, running through mundane line after line, just seems to fit with a mediocre rapper, so the simile is so apt. Going through all the dreck and drivel to get to the crème de la crème of crappiness was tedious and rather exhausting. Earl takes something very abstract and makes it very real and visceral.This line encapsulates the paranoia that informs the belief system of the revolutionary.

For Jay Electronica, the radio is a tool with which he can reach millions of ears. Lil Durk - LYRICSHOT SONG: Cardi B - "WAP" feat. He becomes one with his words, and as long as the rhyme is incomplete, so is he incomplete. The power of the lyric comes from the mystery of the word "something." They turned shoes into something more than the leather and rubber they're made from. He uses assonance and internal rhyme throughout, but in the last line he reverses the internal rhyme from "water, no wonder" to "under longer," signifying a switch from holy water to something far less than holy.Flipping Dean Martin's "You're Nobody til Somebody Loves You," the impact of these lyrics have been enhanced by Biggie's untimely death, making it feel like a self-fulfilling prophecy -- especially given the title of Biggie's album, Among the most memorable lines in hip-hop purely for its audacity and bravery.