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Previous Reclaim the summit super saiyan vegeta . Archived. ► SA Level can go up to 15, but only through Extreme Z-Awakening with special medals from the Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.

I've got hte medals to awaken mine to TUR but I'm considering holding onto him until the event comes out that I can farm SS Vegeta (is it the Angel Vegeta? Reclaim the Summit Super Saiyan Vegeta. Collect Awakening Medals in Extreme Z-Area! What was the % SA up for him?I'm not certain.. I think he has a place on a P4B team where It needs more teq.. 2020/04/01 2020/04/01, and Type ATK& DEF+30% All Types Ki+3 and ATK,HP& DEF+50% Final Flash Causes extreme damage to … Reclaim the Summit Super Saiyan Vegeta: Max LvL 120, Rarity UR, Type Extreme TEQ, Cost 36, Leader Skill: TEQ, INT and STR Type ATK & DEF +30%, Super Attack: Final Flash causes extreme damage to enemy, Passive Skill: Conflicted Heart. DBZ Dokkan Battle Wiki, Database, News, and Community for the DBZ Dokkan Battle Player!

Tweet ; The Latest Posts on Character illustration (by attribute) Miraculous outcome goku & frieza (final form) (angel) Date : 2018-09-21 By : Panha . [Reclaim the Summit] Super Saiyan Vegeta can be Extreme Z-Awakened starting from 22:30 PST on 4/19 (Sun)! Dokkan Battle Newsn (The other 2 OG also please) Fluff. Alright Now! Next Scorching duel nuova shenron . Reclaim the Summit Super Saiyan Vegeta. TUR Teq SS Vegeta (reclaim the Summit) SA 10 vs SA 1? Step 3: - Max Lv. [Reclaim the Summit] Super Saiyan Vegeta can be Extreme Z-Awakened starting from 22:30 PST on 4/19 (Sun)!Dokkan Awaken [Super Saiyan from the Future] Super Saiyan Trunks (Teen) into [Future-Carving Power] Super Saiyan Trunks (Teen), and use the Awakening Medals obtained from Stage 5 of the Challenge Event "Extreme Z-Area Hero Extermination Plan" to Extreme Z-Awaken him! Posted by. 8 months ago. 2235. 1/120: TEQ, INT and STR Types ATK & DEF +30%: Final Flash - Causes extreme damage to enemy Details: Conflicted Heart - Ki +3 and ATK +2500 when HP is 80% or below: 3248. 74. Conflicted Heart - Ki +3 and ATK +2500 when HP is 80% or belowConflicted Heart - Ki +3 and ATK +2500 when HP is 80% or belowConflicted Heart - Ki +3 and ATK +2500 when HP is 80% or belowConflicted Heart - Ki +3 and ATK +2500 when HP is 80% or belowConflicted Heart - Ki +3 and ATK +2500 when HP is 80% or belowConflicted Heart - Ki +3 and ATK +2500 when HP is 80% or belowConflicted Heart - Ki +3 and ATK & DEF +70%; plus an additional ATK +30% (up to 120%) and chance of performing a critical hit +7% (up to 35%) at start of each turn when HP is 80% or less

Step 5: - Max Super Attack Lv.

Reclaim the Summit - Super Saiyan Vegeta....Costo: 36.Tipologia: TEQ.Rarità: UR.Livello: 1/120.Leader Skill: TEQ, INT e STR ATK & DEF +30%.Super Fluff [fluff] Anyone know how the TUR Vegeta's damage looks at SA1 vs SA10? [fluff] Anyone know how the TUR Vegeta's damage looks at SA1 vs SA10? Please give this man an EZA so he can Reclaim the Summit! 2452. Just what I'm looking for. This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version. increased to 130. - Leader Skill upgraded. With double Gogeta lead he's supering for 66k without his passive active and only Super Saiyan and Saiyan Warrior links.He's mediocre really, and I doubt I will use him aside from perhaps on a Mono TEQ team. Step 4: - Max Super Attack Lv. Hello and welcome to the Daily Card Discussion Thread. increased to 11. u/T2RX6. Jp? SSR Pride Regained - Super Saiyan Vegeta TEQ Awakened UR Pride Regained - Super Saiyan Vegeta Extreme TEQ Awakened UR Reclaim the Summit - Super Saiyan Vegeta Extreme TEQ In addition, starting from 22:30 PST on 4/28 (Tue), [Future-Carving Power] Super Saiyan Trunks (Teen) can also be Extreme Z-Awakened! Dokkan Battle Pride Regained Super Saiyan Vegeta, rating, stats, skills, awaken, how to get, tips, and team. increased to 125. increased to 13. How did you get yours to SA 10?

Reclaim the Summit Super Saiyan Vegeta (EZA) S Saiyan Legend Goku; T Time-Warping Fury - Demigra (Demon Form) Transcended Defenses Super Saiyan 4 Goku; U Ultimate Combination Attack Super Saiyan Trunks (Future) & Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta; and what's the percentage unawakened vs awakened? * Stage 5 of "Extreme Z-Area Hero Extermination Plan" will become available starting from 22:30 PST on 4/28 (Tue).The Extreme Z-Awakening of 2 characters will become available on 4/19 (Sun) and 4/28 (Tue) respectively! Reclaim the Summit Super Saiyan Vegeta Dokkan Battle Reclaim the Summit Super Saiyan Vegeta, rating, stats, skills, awaken, how to get, tips, and team. Step 1: - Max Lv. BOTH Analysis Daily Card Discussion Thread #20 - Reclaim the Summit Super Saiyan Vegeta November 25, 2017 (self.DBZDokkanBattle) submitted 1 year ago by DontStalkMeJanus Akatsuki is a Jew company.