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Cela fait autant d’années que l’avocat américain Rob Bilott se bat contre DuPont et d’autres multinationales chimiques pour lesquelles empoisonner des gens et polluer l’environnement ne posent pas de problème.

Le film ‘Dark Waters’ relate brillamment le combat de Bilott, qui était récemment de passage à Bruxelles pour un état des lieux. But that’s the system that has worked so far.”Mark Ruffalo, right, and attorney Robert Bilott attend the "Dark Waters" New York premiere at Walter Reade Theater on Nov. 12, 2019 in New York City.Attorney Rob Bilott will be played by Mark Ruffalo in the film "Dark Waters," set for release Nov. 22. ABC News Twenty years later, people today are still fighting and still getting diagnosed with cancer, Bilott said. en maken deel uit van DPG Media.

Dark Waters Tells the True Story of the Lawyer Who Took DuPont to Court and Won.

Not just on one farm in West Virginia, not even just in the public water of an entire community there, but it’s now in water all over the country, all over the planet, in the blood of virtually every living thing.”Not everyone agrees with the story laid out in the movie.A website, Truth About Dark Waters, touts jobs created by manufacturing in the Ohio River Valley and lists critical reviews of the movie.

That plan was due on Sunday.“There are certain systems that I think are not working well — that’s the regulatory system, the whole system of how we regulate chemicals in this country,” Bilott said. After Bilott discovered that thousands of tons of DuPont's PFOA had been dumped into the landfill next to the Tennants' property and that DuPont's PFOA was contaminating the surrounding community's water supply, DuPont settled the Tennants' case.

“That should be more than sufficient to help pay for whatever studies need to be done.”The case could take years to resolve, and then years after that for any potential science panel to publish definitive conclusions.

For scientists like Dr. Grandjean, there just The logic of Bilott’s new suit is to force chemical companies to pay to find answers.

Robert Bilott may not be a household name, but his work is more important than most people can truly comprehend. Some of those extras in ‘Dark Waters’ have real-life ties to the film’s story. By signing up you are agreeing to our “But one of the systems I think you see throughout the film, and then the book, that worked well was the legal system.“We’re fortunate that we have a judicial system that allows people in that situation to go into court and get relief,” he said.

But Bilott began his career defending chemical companies.

But the premise of this latest lawsuit isn’t monetary damages.

“These companies are going to sit back and say, we’re entitled to…use you as guinea pigs, yet those of you who are exposed are somehow the ones who are going to have to prove what these [chemicals] do to you.”Some scientists are particularly worried by the potential health effects of those less-studied PFAS chemicals.

It was kind of nice that when you’re doing the right thing, it’s not prosecution or defense, it’s just what the right thing is, irrespective of it,” said Jessica Akerman, a first-year law school student.In 2017, Bilott won a $670 million settlement for 3,500 community members whose water had been contaminated with PFOA and suffered linked diseases because of a leak from a Parkersburg plant.Despite all of the court victories and Bilott’s hard work, there are still no regulations to restrict the chemicals.“In my view, we’re talking about what is, in essence, a public health threat,” he said.

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The website is sponsored by the Ohio Manufacturing Association.“The big screen often fails to show the bigger picture.
“We also have announced a series of commitments around our limited use of PFAS, including the In February, those defendants filed a joint motion to dismiss, which the court denied in September, allowing the case to proceed. William Jackson Harper as …

Few would have begrudged Bilott a few years to rest on his laurels and enjoy the royalties from his new book, aptly titled“If we can’t get where we need to go to protect people through our regulatory channels, through our legislative process, then unfortunately what we have left is our legal process,” says Bilott.

“We are leading the industry by supporting federal legislation and science-based regulatory efforts to address these chemicals,” the company wrote in an email.

Cookies kunnen gebruikt worden om op sites van derden relevante advertenties te tonen. Dark Waters About Dark Waters Dark Waters Cast and Crew. By Bilott initially signed on to the case as a favor to his grandmother, who lived in Parkersburg.That case was settled.