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Central to both claims is the implication that the two judges involved in this case, the one who presided at the divorce hearing, and the judge who denied his motion for new trial, should have realized that Mr. Schneck was "impaired," and could not fully participate in his divorce proceedings.

The most Schneck families were found in the USA in 1880.

She contended that the judge who presided at the divorce hearing had sufficient information about the Schnecks and their finances to decide that Mr. Schneck could earn sufficient money to pay child support, any arrearage, as well as her attorneys' fees.

In fact, Mr. Schneck cited the merits date in his motion for relief from the circuit court's order against dissipation of marital assets, writing, "Defendant and plaintiff are scheduled to appear in Circuit Court on February 8, 2018." (Numbers 7 and 8). In the judgment of absolute divorce, the court awarded Ms. Schneck custody of the parties' minor children, child support, a monetary award, and attorney's fees. As discussed, with counsel's assistance, Mr. Schneck tried to persuade the circuit court to give him a new trial or change its judgment. In 1840 there were 16 Schneck families living in Pennsylvania. He refused to get help.At one point, Mr. Schneck physically hurt Ms. Schneck and she obtained an order of domestic violence protection against him. They took several vacations each year with their children and by themselves.

She points out that the motions judge even agreed with Mr. Schneck on one issue, namely, child support, and granted him a re-hearing on that issue. He did not identify an actual, present need.

In her opinion, Mr. Schneck voluntarily chose not to attend the February 8, 2018 merits hearing, just as he failed to attend a scheduling conference and a domestic violence protection hearing.

Indeed, over Ms. Schneck's objection, the judge permitted Mr. Schneck to present evidence of his current employment status, mental and physical health at another hearing to determine an appropriate amount of child support. Schneck argues that he is entitled to a new trial. The judge recounted that Mr. Schneck claimed that he was laboring under the weight of his addiction, and that prevented him from fully participating at the merits hearing.

Contributions of any amount are gratefully accepted. Listed below are those cases in which this Featured Case is cited.

When Ms. Schneck requested the court enjoin Mr. Schneck from unilaterally dissipating marital assets, with help of counsel, he responded. Ms. Schneck was represented by the same counsel she had throughout these proceedings. Finally, she argues that for five months during the pendency of this case, Mr. Schneck had counsel.
The circuit court docketed the revised judgment of divorce on April 25, 2018. We cite some of the reasons Mr. Schneck listed to illustrate the focus of his emergency motion.

Significantly, the court granted Mr. Schneck relief on his "main issue" of concern, child support.And, Mr. Schneck had the opportunity to address his assertion that the circuit court did not properly calculate child support at an August 23, 2018 hearing.

In her counsel's words, Ms. Schneck "played by the rules." Mr. Schneck's desire to resolve the differences that he had with his former spouse is commendable. Based on our review of the record, we conclude the circuit court's order was reasonable and did not deprive Mr. Schneck of a fair trial.

Things got so bad that Ms. Schneck, with the help of Mr. Schneck's parents, pastor, and friends, staged an intervention. Also, Mr. Schneck had previously acknowledged his mental competence in the criminal case that resulted from an alleged violation of a domestic violence order, thus he was not a "vulnerable adult," as he claimed.
For example, she notes that Mr. Schneck signed his Answer to the complaint for absolute divorce under oath, claiming that "his drug problem was resolved, and that he was fit and proper to have joint legal custody of his children." We conclude that, because Mr. Schneck was actively trying to resolve the parties' various marital property issues with opposing counsel in the days before the divorce hearing, he just as easily could have participated at that merits hearing if he chose to do so but did not.The record also reflects that the circuit court notified Mr. Schneck of the date of the hearing of his motion for new trial. Please take a moment to review the generosity of our communities.© 2020 Schneck Medical Center.

The court granted his request only in so far as it set a hearing to establish a more accurate amount of child support. Contrary to what Mr. Schneck's attorney said, Ms. Schneck's counsel noted that the trial judge did not find that Mr. Schneck was unemployed, nor did the trial judge find that Mr. Schneck voluntarily impoverished himself.