Evan Rytlewski of The A.V. “Like cans of Monster Energy Drink, this collection is spracked out and ridiculous and fun and sometimes disposable, just one more shard of debris left in this kid’s wake, and his generation’s.” But they certainly demonstrate that for the moment, he’s going to have to be dealt with—by friends and foes alike.” Skrillex Bangarang Full Album AUDIOSURF - Duration: 38:36. Bobby Cowles 40,896 views.
Clubsaid that, although Skrillex is a "more skillful producer than his detractors give him credit for", he still resorts t… „Ein langer Adrenalinrausch von erstechenden Keyboard-Akkorden, abgesägten Vocal Samples und Skrillex Markenzeichen: Windende, schreiende Synth-Melodien“ Sie wurde am 23. At Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating out of 100 to reviews from mainstream publications, the album received an average score of 60, based on 10 reviews. feat: His trick is turning the elusively thwumping U.K. dance music called dubstep into high-fiving dance-floor heavy metal.”
Der Durchschnitt, errechnet von “Skrillex is a magician. Für das gleichnamige Lied siehe 38:36. Its seven tracks display a remarkable gift for bending innumerable breeds of club music to his will, grinding cantankerous hip-hop braggadocio, thwacking hard-house grooves, trance tingles and Blake Baxter-esque Detroit-techno stomp into a short-attention-spanned blur of bone-rattling meanness that’s undeniably thrilling, even if Moore has yet to elevate the results to a cohesive sum greater than its many parts.” “The go-for-the-throat tracks on Bangarang don’t tell us much about Skrillex’s long-term prospects. Bangarang received generally mixed reviews from critics. Es ist der zweite Titel aus der EP gemeinsam mit SirahDas Album bekam unterschiedliche Kritiken. Dezember 2011 auf Beatport und vier Tage später auch an anderen Stellen im Internet veröffentlicht. Bangarang ist eine EP des Dubstep -, Brostep - und House-Produzenten Skrillex. Die erfolgreichste Veröffentlichung von Skrillex ist die Single Where Are Ü Now mit über 6,3 Millionen verkauften Einheiten. Dieser Artikel behandelt die EP.
“the laser-blasting inanity of the title track, which ends with someone bragging, ‘I’m eating Fun Dip right now/Not givin' a fuck.’ Not a bad credo for music that makes a disco sugar high feel downright pornographic.” Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Bangarang - Skrillex on AllMusic - 2012 - Nominated for five Grammy Awards, shortlisted for… “Bangarang is far smarter than Skrillex’s reputation for doling out cheap, bludgeoning bass-bin thrills would let on, anyway. Gemäß Quellenangaben und Schallplattenauszeichnungen hat er in seiner Karriere bisher mehr als 25,5 Millionen Tonträger verkauft, davon alleine in seiner Heimat über 20,5 Millionen. feat: „proggy guitar hooks, psychedelic organ chords, and Jim Morrison samples with a snarling, Prodigy-esque vocal and a filthy slab of dub bass“ “A percussive, hard house collaboration with 12th Planet and Kill the Noise which eventually builds into a feverish slice of happy hardcore” Dan LeRoy of Alternative Press felt that the EP's "go-for-the-throat" songs and "uncomplicated, catchy fun" do not reveal "much about Skrillex's long-term prospects." Für das gleichnamige Lied siehe Bangarang (Lied).
Nominated for five Grammy Awards, shortlisted for the prestigious BBC Sound of 2012 poll, and courted by everyone from Chicago producer 5 feat:
Diese Diskografie ist eine Übersicht über die musikalischen Werke des US-amerikanischen Dubstep- und Brostep-Produzenten Skrillex. Das Album ist sein bisher kommerziell erfolgreichstes, es erreichte in „One long adrenaline rush of stabbing keyboard chords, sawed-off vocal samples and Skrillex’s trademark: squirming, squalling synth lines“