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Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42.

point multiple times.. There’s apparently another new Star Citizen ship on the way. I've upgraded the freelancer to an Hercules and bought the dragonfly and the cyclone with the 72 month assurance at the anniversary sell (waiting in my by back).I understand the logic behind the Entrepreneur and Company Pack, but what do you need 3 or 4 different ships with the same purpose for? Star Citizen Wiki.

This time around, rather than an age gate or content gate, we've got a DLC gate. Gladius = $90 (originally $85) Super Hornet = $165. So, if you haven't spent more than $1,000 USD to support the game, you don't get access to the incredibly expensive bundle.If you aren't that invested in the game, you can contact Add this to the game's other crowdfunding efforts, and its bound to raise eyebrows in the braoder games community.

Ce qui est peu comparé aux $265.00 HT de l'UEE Exploration 2948 Pack ou aux $100.00 HT du Scoundrel Pack. new user/low karma. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with the Cloud Imperium or Roberts Space Industries group of companies. 9 months ago. Idris-P = $1250. Titled the Legatus Pack — likely drawing the name from the The noteworthy part about the bundle is that it’s only available to Concierge members of the Without a doubt, a $27,000 bundle that is exclusive to only a select few backers is going to raise some eyebrows in the broader gaming community. It isn't meant to be operated solo, and for example doesn't have any guns you can fire from the pilot chair. Star Citizen Wiki uses cookies to keep session information and analytics to provide you a better experience. Or is it still one combined package?You can upgrade them individually but you can only melt the entire package.Another thank you for writing this up! Hey everyone! It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Sabre = $170. Its not personalized. There is now a $27,000 DLC bundle only available to premium Concierge … I was debating what package to pick up so I did a little math here to calculate what each concierge package saves you over buying ships individually as of the last anniversary sale. Archived. I know it still works for the ursa.Yes. 42. I still think the old UEE-Exploration Pack was a better deal. I believe the first ones sold in 2013 or around that time were the only personalized ones. To gift a pledge to another account, you must pledge for the ship or game package with cash using a supported payment method.You cannot gift any pledges acquired using partial or full Store Credit. ... concierge members until the introduction of the Praetorian rank and the 600i Executive Edition. (Exploration)The Terrapin is small enough to base off a carrier. You can always trade for the packages.You can submit a support ticket to ask for these packages to become visible.Thank you for this. Comme la plupart des packs concierge, ce pack se rattrape par la présence des Licences Star Citizen et Squadron 42, des 20000 UEC, du VFG Hangar Industrial et bien évidemment de l'opportunité de passer votre flotte en LTI. Close. On the market it is about 550Using current prices, the original UEE Exploration pack is a pretty amazing deal (insofar as digital space ships can ever be a deal).I own the UEE Exploration pack and it's a great deal, dragon fly & cyclone are a good lti token as well. inability to gift, warbond, inability to get LTI), the concierge packages offer a great way to get LTI without dealing with the grey market.Savings range from 7-21% over buying ships individually.New cash is probably better spent on warbonds. Try it today! I found a Cyclon-RN to Prospector upgrade on the Extras->Upgrades pages.It doesn't matter how I turn the numbers the discounts these packs offer still aren't as good as me using store credit and ccus bought over the last 12 monthsDo you get all the pieces of the packages as separate items you can upgrade and/or melt? These ships will be obtainable in the final universe, and they are not required to start the game. I was debating what package to pick up so I did a little math If you have store credit and feel bitter it's been devalued (e.g.

Development. The worst is that it is only for concierge, and I only have spend aprox 400$ Anyone can unlock concierge by filing a support ticket, but yes these packages are all very expensive.Thank you for this! Star Citizen Wiki uses cookies to keep session information and analytics to provide you a better experience. The Star Citizen Wiki is a part of the Star Citizen Tools project. The noteworthy part about the bundle is that it’s only available to Concierge members of the Star Citizen community.In other words, people who have spent more than $1,000 supporting the game. A pretty pricey one, too.