Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Dokkan Battle related.Press J to jump to the feed. 0 comments. 2020 will be the year of their EZAs. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Who do you think will be the best super and the best extreme after their EZAs? Which teams and especially items do you guys use to beat the Super 17 event as fast as possible? Goku Black has become a far better Card since he got an EZA, and has become a very good nuker. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. However you have to be careful with rotations as SS4 Gogeta will completely heal 17 if you get to that phase. HOW TO BEAT SUPER C17 SUPER 2 - DOKKAN BATTLE - Duration: 22:47. 700. best. As opposed to the standard Z-Awakening, Extreme Z-Awakenings consist of multiple awakening steps that improve a card's stats, Leader Skill, Super Attack effect and Passive Skill. Fluff. Fluff. If you have rainbow androids lr they oneshot with a crit/add the final boss even with his barrier activeI will give it a try, didn't even know that they're effective. The following cards are UR or LR cards that can be Z-Awakened further through "Extreme Z-Awakening" in special Extreme Z-Battle Events or Extreme Z-Areas. Who do you think will be the best super and the best extreme after their EZAs? ... Brice Gaming Z 68,567 views. Which teams and especially items do you guys use to beat the Super 17 event as fast as possible?
This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version.
Beat it constantly in 3-4, max 5 mins.Do you have int gogeta?
6 months ago. The site may not work properly if you don't If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit Press J to jump to the feed. Currently using my fusion team with some attack increase items.Ext agl(also if your super 17 is only ur,it doesn't matter)or extreme rainbow.
Lol, Cell Jr is super super meh unless you have them rainbowed with full additional.Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle!
At this point I rely on keeping ki down and Super Gogeta and SS3 Gotenks to finish.Fusion with int gogeta, his super melts through 17's absorption.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castEverything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! View entire discussion ( 0 comments) More posts from the DBZDokkanBattle community. Dont forget to bring orb changer items in case you lack Ki for the Ultra Super. no comments yet.
Sort by. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Pulled him yesterday and 9 additional android 17s, so I have 9*3 runs before me (had already the 77 medals for his awakening itself ready) as I want to farm his sa. save hide report.
Pulled him yesterday and 9 additional android 17s, so I have 9*3 runs before me (had already the 77 medals for his awakening itself ready) as I want to farm his sa. Posted by.
Used my villian squad, EZA Broly is great for the frist stage (4 enemies). Even with only half his Passive available, and zero DEF bonus at all, this F2P LR is a juggernaut against STR Cell because he’s one of the only Super AGL Future Saga Cards, he gets the regular Stat advantage bonus on top of the extra category EZA bonus, making him hit very hard and take low damage even in high stages.
I redrew the … He can consistently land Super ATKs thanks to an abundance of Ki, and his ATK & DEF Debuffing Super ATK is very helpful for reducing incoming Damage. F2p everyday. 22:47. This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version. Dragonball Z Dokkan Battle Encyclopedia - Beerus STR EZA - Duration: 6:42.
Be the first to share what you think! Currently using my fusion team with some attack increase items. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Dokkan Battle related.Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. If you do you can focus on getting him to super during the absorption phaseI used to use an extreme team with AGL Rosé leader and made sure to include rainbowed Androids as they demolished 17.Now I run a fusions team that does the job just as well.
He’s another great partner for LR Black & Zamasu, but not quite as good as STR Rosé. Posted by 6 days ago. Which one is better on Androids. Close. … Fastest way to beat Super 17 Event. 10 comments. Thanks manBasically twin LR, works well in extreme raimbow with super C17 (AMAZING LINKS) + broly ssj3 (co-murderer)Rainbow LR Twins destroyed him. 7.8k . Archived. 100% Upvoted.