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He grabs Omega and puts him in an arm lock, preparing a Gogeta attacks Omega Shenron with the Big Bang KamehamehaFinally ready to begin counterattacking, Gogeta used Syn Shenron after absorbing only six of the seven Dragon BallsAfter getting over his shock at this turn of events, Syn Shenron immediately began reabsorbing the Dragon Balls to restore his ultimate form, only failing to claim the Four-Star Dragon Ball when Goku swallowed it himself.

Xeno Syn Shenron (一イー星シン龍ロン:ゼノ, Ī Shinron: Zeno, "One-Star Dragon: Xeno") is the first of the Shadow Dragons of the Dark Dragon Balls. He feels no compassion for any form of life, even destroying his fellow Shadow Dragons if it benefits his ultimate goal of universal destruction. The One-Star Dragon Ball is visible on his forehead, sporting the blue color and cracked appearance of all the corrupted balls. The seven Xeno Syn Shenron's personality is identical to his main counterpart's. This article is a disambiguation page for Syn Shenron (disambiguation) The following is a list of cards of the same character or of multiple characters with a specific affinity. To the heroes' shock, Nuova joins Omega in battle, as the latter explains that his own negative energy has corrupted Nuova into a loyal ally. In the end, it took a Omega Shenron made his video game debut as a playable character in Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Shipped with USPS First Class. Like his counterpart, Xeno One-Star Dragon achieves a super form by absorbing his respective set of Dragon Balls into himself. Realizing that the rest of the Dragon Balls were nearby, he performed his secret technique, summoning the other Dragon Balls to him and swallowing them whole. Syn Shenron (EX) (BLU) Edit. Nuova then uses his ultimate attack to try and kill Omega, engulfing them both in an incredibly high-temperature orb of flames. Syn Shenron (一星龍 Yī Xīng Lóng, literally One-Star Dragon) (Blue Waters dub Ii Shenron, in Spain: Ih Shinron/Super Ih Shinron) is a character and the final villain in the anime series Dragon Ball GT.
When he’s defeated, he destroys two Dragon Balls for the opposing Team. Out of all the seven Shadow Dragons, Syn Shenron is the most powerful. ); instead, what makes him stand out is the fact that he is the strongest of all the Shadow Dragons. He later transforms into Super Yi Xing Long (Omega Shenron) after absorbing all seven of the Dragon Balls into his being. He kills the powerful In the manga, Omega Shenron is defeated and destroyed almost instantly by Fin after having absorbed Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta. As Syn Shenron is not shown to have any special abilities in his base form (e.g. View Mobile Site History Comments (1) Share.
Two large, fleshy horns emerge from the top of his head, and a pair of tiny feelers emerge from his upper lip, giving the appearance of a mustache. Syn Shenron appears as a large, humanoid, white, black and blue Dragon. Goku stops the ball from obliterating the planet, but is presumed to have been killed in the explosion, and Omega simply begins sending his energy across the Earth to eventually rip the entire Out of the seven Shadow Dragons, Syn Shenron is the most powerful. Yi Xing Long, also known as Syn Shenron in the Funimation dub, is the final antagonist of the anime series Dragon Ball GT. "One-Star Dragon") is the seventh and last of the Evil Shadow Dragons to appear, and the last villain to appear in Dragon Ball GT.He later transforms into Omega Shenron after absorbing all seven of the Dragon Balls into his being (this is his special power, rather than having power over elements). The following is a list of cards of the same character or of multiple characters with a specific affinity. Community content is available under Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In the end, it took a Omega Shenron also has a weaker version of this form briefly used when he does not have the Four-Star Dragon Ball, giving him six of the seven Dragon Balls.