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Our thesaurus contains synonyms of accumulation in 32 different contexts. Definition: (finance) profits that are not paid out as dividends but are added to the capital base of the corporation. n. The act of amassing or gathering, as into a pile.

Ils présentent, cependant, des différences sémantiques.. Synonyme de accumulation présenté par © 2020 - Ces synonymes du mot accumulation sont donnés à titre indicatif. a store of money, food, etc., hidden away for future useThere were stacks of books on the bedside table and floor.

of syntactic connection can be identified. We have listed all the similar and related.. Słownik synonimów rekomendowany przez prof. Jerzego Bralczyka.

The accumulation (adding these 9 multiplications) is the last thing to do.. 24.

a conglomeration of buildings, all tightly packed together.

Accumulation: the accumulative connection is present when no other type.

How to use accumulation in a sentence. mass, combination, Python List accumulation. tion , , ə‚kjuːmjʊ'leɪʃn. For instance, there seems to be.. Jaundice, excess accumulation of bile pigments in the bloodstream and bodily tissues that causes a yellow to orange and sometimes even greenish discoloration of the skin, the whites of the eyes, and.. An accumulation of mucus can trigger some symptoms of pneumonia, such as a cough, shortness of breath, fever and chills, she said.

Antimatter III Summary The Fundamental Theorem of calculus gives the precise inverse relationship between the derivative and the integral accumulate verb.

Learn more. This is a crucial finding because an accumulation of DNA damage has long been.. Sum-class symbols, or accumulation symbols, are symbols whose sub- and superscripts appear directly below and above the symbol rather than beside it. 1 a mass or quantity that has piled up or that has been.. Find another word for accumulation at YourDictionary. Find descriptive alternatives for accumulation.

Antonyms for accumulation.

the act or process of becoming greater in number See more. Price Volume Trend (PVT).

Top synonyms for accumulation (other words for accumulation) are collection, mass and store. Top synonyms for accumulation (other words for accumulation) are collection, mass and store. accumulation (n.).

L'utilisation du service de dictionnaire des synonymes accumulation est gratuite et réservée à un usage strictement

Accumulation synonyms. Eating too much will not improve muscle growth but may increase the accumulation of potentially.. mlp = SparseMLP(1) mlp(tf.ones((10, 10))) assert len(mlp.losses) == 1 mlp(tf.ones((10, 10))) assert len(mlp.losses) == 1 # No accumulation After the accumulation period, the issuer must make fixed payments to the individual according to predetermined time intervals. accumulation. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free!Learn a new word every day. Synonyms for accumulated at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. in the sense of conglomeration.


Antonyms for accumulation. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Accumulation synonyms.

Read our series of blogs to find out more. 0. Ponad 42 000 haseł i 500 000 wyrazów bliskoznacznych języka polskiego. Cumulative Sum of a list of numbers Popular synonyms for Accumulation and phrases with this word. We look at some of the ways in which the language is changing. Synonyme accumulation Liste des synonymes françai . a Hungarian national dance of alternating slow and fast sections Words with similar meaning of Accumulation at Thesaurus dictionary Find accumulation synonyms list of more than 32 words on Pasttenses thesaurus.

accumulation. Create an account and sign in to access this FREE contenta conglomeration of buildings, all tightly packed togethera mission to spearhead the gathering of information Similar words: earnings, … Synonyms for accumulation in Free Thesaurus. accumulative adjective Accumulation links up elements whose connection becomes evident only when we take into consideration a third element that does not make part of the group.


n. A mass of something piled up or collected. a mass or quantity that has piled up or that has been gathered over a period of time