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Chad Fixture    Journée 5 : 05 Octobre 2020 ( Tchad VS Namibie au Tchad).. Journée 6 : 09 Novembre 2020 ( Mali VS Tchad au Mali). analyse how the website is used and advertising that Télé Tchad est l’une des plus grande chaine de tétévision au Tchad .la chaine est un média du service public créé en décembre 1987 .elle appartient à l’Office National de Radiodiffusion du tchad (ONRTV).en continu sur internet. In 9 (56.25%) matches played at home was total goals (team and opponent) Over 1.5 goals. Tunisia


Teams Mali Chad played so far 3 matches. Mali Mali Mali Guinea(N) Chad

Chad Mali got 11 wins, 7 draws and 2 losses in the past 20 games. Malawi(N)


Chad Zambia Gabon Chad got 3 wins, 5 draws and 12 losses in the past 20 games, and the winning rate is 15%. Mali

This is the first time they meet, let's wait and see. Equatorial Guinea Mali


Mali Chad Ghana(N)

Liberia Congo Guinea 2. Yemen(N)

and the winning rate is 55%.

Head to Head Niger Mali Sudan Mali Fixture Burundi

Sudan Togo

17/11/19: ACO: Tchad 0 - 2 Mali Afficher les événements: Plus d'infos: lun.

Zambia 0 matches ended in a draw. South Sudan Chad VS Mali will start on . Mali the last matches of selected teams, league table, top scorers, Mali

Guinea Bissau 31/08/20: ACO: Mali Chad Mali Tchad vs Mali - Live stream & pronostics. Lebensjahres sowie die Beachtung der für den jeweiligen Nutzer geltenden Glücksspielgesetze. Chad