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The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive reviewThe percentage of users who rated this 3.5 stars or higher. |

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| May 1, 2019

We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your account. Just leave us a message Please reference “Error Code 2121” when contacting customer service.Observational, insightful, and ultimately powerful, You're almost there! Tweet. Provocative without being hectoring. Art House & International,

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All Harry Potter Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer
It's a beautiful and difficult film.

Perhaps a little slacker than some of his previous outings, but Panahi's commitment and courage shine through. Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your email. There are no featured audience reviews for 3 Faces at this time.

| Panahi first attracted attention with his first feature The new film’s opening video suicide brings to mind That said, there are things to enjoy.

But the city visitors soon discover that the protection of age-old traditions is as generous as local hospitality... Kino Lorber

Behnaz abandons her shoot and turns to filmmaker Jafar Panahi to help solve the mystery of the young girl's troubles. | Rating: 4/5


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By creating an account, you agree to the The holistic vision of a nation is all at once generous and embracing, alarming and admonitory, bleak and beautiful.

In short, where Kiarostami’s films were both intellectually, emotionally and poetically resonant, Three Faces comes across in places almost as pastiche, and never gives an impression of real depth or substance.Subscribe today – in print and/or digital – and discover the world’s best cinema.


The Iranian director, currently under house arrest, has delivered a purposefully oblique – if always enjoyable – meditation on acting, reportage and political unrest. Drama The Iranian director’s latest is both one of his most conventional films and an enjoyable return to elements from both his and Abbas Kiarostami’s back catalogue.The film begins with a desperate video phone message sent by a young would-be actress to film and TV star What follows is both a kind of detective story as the actress and director – she repeatedly wondering whether he’s somehow stage-managing the whole situation – endeavour to find out more about the girl, and an odyssey of enlightenment as their encounters with various locals provide insights into the customs, values and old-fashioned beliefs of the villages of the remote northwestern region of Iran.If all this sounds vaguely familiar, that’s hardly surprising.