Verification of Syrian nationals under temporary protection. UNHCR is monitoring developments in Turkey and in Greece and is offering its support. Welcome to the ‘Help’ website run by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. UNHCR is today appealing to countries worldwide to do far more to find homes for millions of refugees and others displaced by conflict, persecution or events seriously disturbing public orderUN General Assembly agrees on an innovative global framework to better serve the forcibly displaced and their host communities.With your kind donation, UNHCR can help refugee children and families receive the life-saving relief and support they desperately need.After fleeing Aleppo in 2013, Sidra’s dream of studying dentistry became a reality thanks to her own determination and Turkey’s support for refugee higher education.On a hot afternoon in Turkey’s capital Ankara, we speak to Enas, 23, and her brother Mohammed, 24 years-old, sitting next to each other in the campus of the university where Mohammed studies. Working in Turkey As a Syrian natio... Find out more. On the borders between Turkey and the EU, UNHCR is working with national partners, Turkish Red Crescent, IOM and Unicef, assessing the situation and providing humanitarian assistance where needed. The schools will continue to prov... Find out more. I am looking for... Search . Groups there have included Syrians, Afghans, Iranians, Sudanese and other nationalities - including women, children and families, arriving in precarious conditions. A mother and her two children were among the thousands of refugees and migrants who reportedly made their way to the border over the past days. Continued European resources, capacity and solidarity are needed to boost Greece’s response. Greece, and other States on the EU external border, should not be left alone. All States have a right to control their borders and manage irregular movements, but at the same time should refrain from the use of excessive or disproportionate force and maintain systems for handling asylum requests in an orderly manner. Livelihoods. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is appealing for calm and an easing of tensions on Turkey’s borders with the European Union in light of the present increased movements of people there – including refugees and asylum-seekers. Education. The Temporary Protection Regulation clearly … After registering with the Provinci... Find out more. In Greece, UNHCR teams reported the arrival of some 1,200 people on 1 March and 2 March morning on the East Aegean islands (Lesvos, Chios, Samos) - higher than the recent daily rate. Procedure for Syrians to register with the Turkish authorities. unhcr… Article 78(3) of the Treaty of the Functioning of the EU (TFEU) has been evoked by the Greek Government in this regard, however this provision allows for provisional measures to be adopted by the Council, on a proposal from the Commission and in consultation with the European Parliament, in the event that one or more Member States are confronted by an emergency situation characterised by a sudden inflow of third country nationals while it cannot suspend the internationally recognized right to seek asylum and the principle of non-refoulement that are also emphasized in EU law.
3.9 million refugees and asylum-seekers in Turkey Almost 3.6 million Syrian nationals and close to 330,000 registered refugees and asylum seekers of other nationalities according to the Directorate General of Migration Management 17,552 refugees Submitted for resettlement consideration to 18 countries, 67% of them Syrian 100,337 refugees Feedback. At the same time, international support to Turkey, which already hosts millions of refugees, as well as other countries neighbouring Syria, must be sustained and stepped up. UNHCR is monitoring developments in Turkey and in Greece and is offering its support.
UNHCR Turkey: Provincial Breakdown Syrian Refugees in Turkey - June 2020 Télécharger (PNG, 846.43 KB) Type de document: Cartes Type de document: Therefore, it is extremely important that all Syrians register with the Turkish authorities. Read about key issues. Neither the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees nor EU refugee law provides any legal basis for the suspension of the reception of asylum applications. Persons entering irregularly on the territory of a State should also not be punished if they present themselves without delay to the authorities to seek asylum. Cancel . While the situation on the Turkey’s western borders and Greece and movement of several thousand people is of concern, the humanitarian disaster unfolding in the northwest Syria and massive humanitarian needs in Idlib for some 950,000 of internally displaced people continues to require urgent action. © REUTERSUNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is appealing for calm and an easing of tensions on Turkey’s borders with the European Union in light of the present increased movements of people there – including refugees and asylum-seekers. UNHCR Turkey Operational Update May 2020 Turkey scholarship lets star Syrian student pursue dentistry dream After fleeing Aleppo in 2013, Sidra’s dream of studying dentistry became a reality thanks to her own determination and Turkey’s support for refugee higher education. Medical and psychological assistance. Syrian refugees in Turkey are registered by the Turkish authorities. UNHCR has replenished stocks of dry food and blankets to support new arrivals and has confirmed that other actors have additional items in stock. As of late 2016, the Directorate Ge... Find out more. Here, refugees and asylum-seekers can find information to help them know more about their rights, obligations and the services available to them. If you are not registered, UNHCR, other UN agencies, and NGOs would also face obstacles when trying to assist you. As in all such situations it is important that the authorities refrain from any measures that might increase the suffering of vulnerable people. Take a look around and discover what you need to know about your stay in Turkey, including where you can go to seek further assistance.