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Here, people come from afar to buy and sell products to use in their villages or to sell to visitors. The Maasai people of East Africa live in southern Kenya and northern Tanzania along the Great Rift Valley on semi-arid and arid lands. … Masai Village Visit from Nairobi, Nakuru, Naivasha, JKIA Nairobi Airport. of service to their clients. As a member, Due to a family commitment, I had to leave a little later than others who were attending, and I therefore only had a few days in Qatar. Dimensions vary, but the average size of each boma is around 3 x 5 meters and only around 1.5 meters tall.

De Masai is de naam die wordt gegeven aan een grotendeels nomadisch volk in Oost-Afrika, voornamelijk woonachtig in Kenia en Tanzania.De Masai slaagden erin om, ondanks de groeiende moderne civilisatie, hun eeuwenoude tradities te bewaren. You’ve seen those amazing photos of Maasai warriors adorned with the brilliant red, purple, and blue patterns of their shukas, standing tall and proud with their spears. From what might be a door in the thick vegetation, a male lion emerges to trudge purposefully across the hill before us. The Maasai are known for their rhythmic call-and-response singing. The higher the jump, the higher the singers will raise the pitch of their voices. A highlight of any safari vacation in Kenya is a visit to the The many vivid colors of the Maasai’s garments is one of the first things you’ll notice as you enter the village. Masai Mara National Reserve: Great Migration - Photo Credits: Romina FacchiTraditional Maasai clothing and jewelry - Photo Credits: Stefania MaggioniMaasai are used to drink cow blood - Photo Credits: Wendy LinMaasai rituals and cerimonies - Photo Credits: Stefania MaggioniMaasai men and women - Photo Credits: Stefania MaggioniA Maasai village in East Africa - Photo Credits: Martha De Jong-LantinkA Maasai village in East Africa - Photo Credits: Martha De Jong-LantinkThe Maasai refuse modern progress and live according to their ancient customs; they still live in villages whose structure and traditional organization have remained unchanged.The villages have a well-defined structure: each village is surrounded by an enclosure made of thorny bush shrugs, that protects the villagers from the attacks of predators.When you enter the village, right at the centre, there is a second smaller thorny enclosure surrounding the area where the cattle are led to stay for the night, there they are protected from the attacks of hyenas and lions, who could pass the external enclosure.The fact that only the cattle are protected by a double barrier is a tangible evidence of how important animals are to the Maasai; they are more important than their own lives and they are willing to protect them by all means.All around the central enclosure, arranged in a circle, are the Maasai huts; they are made of a mixture of straw, mud and excrement, the roof is made of straw; the huts usually have a circular shape, except in the area of the Ruaha Lake, where they have a rectangular one.To enter a hut it is necessary to pass through a low opening leading to a short passage, curved as a “boma”, letting the visitor into a real hut; the interior is very dark since there are no windows, so the eyes of the people who enter need a few seconds to adjust to the scarceness of light.The hut is divided into rooms or zones: men sleep separately from women, who in turn share their space with children; at the centre of the hut a fire is lit, and this makes the air very thick because of the presence of smoke, that is nevertheless very useful to keep bugs and parasites out of the hut.The size of a village and the number of huts it contains, varies and it depends on the number of wives the head of the family can afford to support; each wife has, as a matter of fact, her own hut.Moreover men are influenced by how many children and head of cattle they possess.The manyatta deserves to be mentioned separately, for it is a village built purposely for young warriors.The moran move to live here from the family village right after being circumcised, that means just after they passed the rite of passage from childhood to adulthood. The scheme is insured to guarantee your holiday safari in the unlikely event that The Maasai occupy a total land area of 160,000 square kilometers with a population of approximately one half million people. The villages have a well-defined structure: each village is surrounded by an enclosure made of thorny bush shrugs, that protects the villagers from the attacks of predators. The Maasai are a Nilotic ethnic group inhabiting northern, central and southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. Beds are made from woven branches, then cushioned by animal skins and piles of grass. He thinks they’re heading for water, so we speed toward a cliff nearby which overlooks a river bed. Up close, we discover them to be small compounds, built to keep their cattle safe. Try Sky- Safari by FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.According to the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Office of Advocacy, small businesses create two-thirds of net new jobs and account for nearly 48 percent of the U.S. private sector workforce. Occupying the perimeter, small houses, hand-built from twig and dung, have low ceilings and dark, tiny rooms inside. This dancer will jump higher and higher to the rhythms of the singers. It often makes for a photogenic scene as these bright shukas or sheets contrast strongly with the browns and greens of the landscape stretched on the horizon.Adding to this colorful display is the brightly beaded necklaces, bracelets and amulets worn mostly by the women who use such beaded jewelry to express their identity and social status.