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Le service ELEFAND de prévention des crises pour les Allemands à l'étranger ** Citizens of the European Economic Area and some other countries may obtain a residence permit and / or work may be required after entering the country. Select Visa Category; e. Click on “Continue” button to go to Customer List Page. Booking a visa appointment at this Embassy is free of charge. Applicants wishing to stay in Germany to study and do not match the cases mentioned above must submit the following documents:     French residence permit valid accompanied by 2 copies     certificate of registration in a German institution of higher education or equivalent     Proof of sufficient knowledge of German (level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) with two photocopies or proof of registration in a preparatory language course in the first year of studies with two photocopies     Official support of declaration by a German organization (foreign service said Ausländerbehörde, the embassy or consulate general) or a scholarship certificate (in the amount of € 638 minimum per month) or a bank certificate proving existence of a blocked account in Germany stocked up to € 638 a month for a year (for long-term studies) All applicants must appear in person at the Consular Section and legal of the German Embassy and make all documents Applicants must appear in person at the Consular Section of the Embassy     training agreement with the exact address in Germany + 2 copies     Certificate of the central service of the Federal Agency for employment placement , Zentralstelle für Arbeitsvermittlung - ZAV , Studentenvermittlung 212, 53107 Bonn - ( if the applicant already has in its possession ) As appropriate, additional documents may be requested. The main steps in applying for a visa Do I need a visa ?

Les horaires d’ouverture au public pour certaines demandes consulaires peuvent être différents de ceux pratiqués avant le confinement.

Applicants who began their studies in France and wish to continue or complete them in Germany as part of an exchange program must submit the following documents:     French residence permit valid accompanied by 2 copies     certificate of registration in a French institution of higher education or equivalent     certificate of registration in a German institution of higher education or equivalent     Proof of participation in an exchange program between Member States of the European Union or in an exchange program of the European Union     Supporting the university received training and studies planned in Germany proving that they complete the training in France     Proof of sufficient knowledge of German (level B1 of the Common European Reference Framework for Languages) with two photocopies     Official support of declaration by a German organization (the foreigners said Ausländerbehörde, the embassy or consulate general) III. Login User need to add customer/s before he/she proceed with appointment date selection. Applicants must appear in person at the Consular Section of the German Embassy and make the following documents:     service delivery certificate clearly stating the actual employment of the service provider Please contact the Visa by phone at 01 53 83 46 85 to arrange an appointment for the delivery of the file or have any questions concerning the required documents. The Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy in Paris is responsible for providing visa services to those seeking to enter the United States for a temporary period and for those wishing to take up indefinite or permanent residence in the United States. If the internship is unpaid , it is imperative to justify its financial situation during the stay in Germany ( 638 € per month ) by a bank statement , a scholarship certificate or supported. Ambassade d'Allemagne, 13/15 Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 75008 Paris. 30e anniversaire de la chute du Mur : Ils y étaient ! L'histoire des relations franco-allemandes f. Customer list: Initially customer list will be empty. Listes d'avocats, notaires, traducteurs, médecins, jardins d’enfants et écoles germanophones en France