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Two of the 2015 Academy Award nominees for Best Documentary Feature dealt with artists (specifically singers) who were ultimately undone by their self-destructive tendencies.

A documentary about the life and legend Nina Simone, an American singer, pianist, and civil rights activist labeled the "High Priestess of Soul." Through skillful use of archival audio and film, interviews and other contextual materials, and clearly with a genuine appreciation and love for the subject, Liz Garbus has found the thread that strings all of this material together; the genius and passion of a driven artist. Even in her final moments, she is not heard. Drawing from over 100 hours of recorded interviews, What Happened, Miss Simone? Simone always felt like an outsider in her own country. It's fascinating, but also overlong, and while many assert the Nina was a difficult woman, few actually describe the reality of living with her in detail, which is a bit frustrating: she was a private person when not on stage, and the frailties hinted at in her public performances are never completely explained.

Critics are lambasting a coming dramatization of Nina's life because her male love interest in the movie was actually gay, so how could he be the love of her life? Was this review helpful?

I make it my mission every year to try and watch as many, if not all, of the films nominated in all categories at the Oscars, so it was no surprise that I would watch this documentary film nominated, and the subject of it was going to be interesting as well. 0 out of 1 found this helpful. Both women changed the nature of their art form; both women were taken from the world much too soon. They gave you the pills so you could just keep playing! The telling of Nina's story through the words of her family and old footage from her as well is truly moving and unsettling. is a collaboration between Netflix, Radical Media, and Moxie Firecracker Films. Eventually, at the height of her fame, Nina decided to walk away from her family, country, career and fans, to move to Liberia and give up performing, she did however return for one last performance many years later. YouTube Channel for the Estate of Nina Simone.

es un documental dirigido por Liz Garbus. I've got to be up front about this...I don't remember hearing anything about Nina Simone before I watched this film.

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Don't lump her together with the Arethas, the Donnas, the Esthers; she was a soul singer of tremendous originality and personality.

and Jeff L. Lieberman's The Amazing Nina Simone.

This program came across like a black version of "Mommie Dearest," or "Let's get Nina."

13 out of 16 found this helpful. Was this review helpful? I am not sure if one accelerated the other. With a brilliant collection of stock footage that not only looks at Simone as a music icon but also a hugely significant civil rights activist and a person, this is a fascinating and engrossing documentary. Perfect rags to riches story, hey?

That he was a man and times were different?

You were never alone. During her childhood Nina became a classically trained pianist, and eventually got her break, using a new name, to disguise her identity from her family.

It's not that the subjects and facts relayed in this documentary are incorrect. It was nominated the Oscar for Best Documentary. Greetings again from the darkness. 0 out of 0 found this helpful. 2015 TV-14 1h 42m Social & Cultural Docs Using never-before-heard recordings, rare archival footage and her best-known songs, this is the story of legendary singer and activist Nina Simone.

Nina was known for her temper and frequent outbursts, sometimes occurring during her performances, and she had to struggle not just with racism, but domestic abuse and political turmoil.

I look at her from a different pair of eyes now and I am grateful to know her story. 9 out of 12 found this helpful. Her daughter makes me laugh, heart goes out to both of them. Was that the state of mind during the civil rights movement? It's three strikes and you're out - African-American, woman, mental illness! Her daughter, her husband, everyone trashed her memory.