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Orcs and Trolls will get the Call of Earth Quest to head into a cave in the Valley of Trials to kill a Felstalker and get 2 Felstalker Hooves. Take the waterskin to the well in town and fill it up, then return to Brine. While certain classes have quests that can provide some benefits and utility, Shaman class quests are largely vital in unlocking different elements for a Shaman to use in combat - and should not ignored! So Enhancement is a useless spec in pve and pvp. By this point, your quest will be the same regardless of race - you'll need to take on the Call of Fire Quest from your class trainer, and will send you into the Barrens to speak with Kranal Fiss on the road above the Crossroads. This page contains information on World of Warcraft Classic's Leveling Guide for the Shaman class, from level 1 to level 60.

Spirit will also be fairly important to Shamans leveling solo to reduce downtime when their mana is down, so consider finding an alternate set of gear for this alone. No shaman is complete without an arsenal of totems, which they use… You'll then speak to Canaga Earthcaller to receive an Earth Sapta and journey up a hidden path behind the Valley of Trials to find the Spirit Rock, and talking with the Minor Manifestation of Earth will allow you to return and complete the quest to gain the Earth Totem. Weapons are very important for Shamans, especially early on, or when You will only learn how to use two-handed Maces and Axes with Remember that no matter how good a weapon is at a given level, it will quickly For more information on leveling, be sure to check out our WoW Classic Horde Leveling Guide and Alliance Leveling Guide to figure out the best places to quest and travel to - and the best places to avoid. On the other hand, Goblin Engineering can net you the Goblin Rocket Helm, which is crucial for closing the distance on enemies in PvP trying to kite you around. This page contains information on World of Warcraft Classic's Leveling Guide for the Shaman class, from level 1 to level 60. the start, and there are quite a few powerful staff quest rewards that you can look There's long been a popular point of contention - do you prioritize Windfury Weapon or Rockbiter Weapon? Taurens will have a similar quest in their starting area to get 2 Ritual Salves from Bristleback Shamans in the cave at Brambleblade Ravine. Shamans are true elemental masters, harnessing their abilities to shock and strike their enemies down. Pull targets with Lightning, and then rely on your regular attacks to regen mana - using Stormstrike followed by Earth Shock for bigger bursts. The most important thing to remember is that many quality of life changes and streamlined leveling systems are not in place in WoW Classic - quests aren't always thrown in your face, and fighting against mobs may not be as easy and quick. For Shamans that rely on Enhancement, you'll want to prioritize Agility and then Strength to increase your crit chance, and then raw attack power in that order. She will in turn send you over to Brine, an Orc located on the far south end of the region. The place is located behind Sepulcher, requiring you to go behind the inn and drop down over the rocks to find and kill the Corrupt Minor Manifestation of Water. able to use a shield will allow you to take less damage, and thus require less It only serves to leveling. Each of the Engineering paths has its own perks - Gnomish Engineering includes the Gnomish Battle Chicken that can help out in combat as a pet that also has the chance to increase your melee attack speed. For damage - once you have a reliable group, you can take on more enemies using Chain Lightning, and if you spec in the right paths, Chain Heal can be a huge boon. World of Warcraft Classic is a faithful recreation of the original World of Warcraft. Finally, Intellect and Stamina can allow you to hit harder with spells, and stay alive longer to reduce the need for heals with higher health. RB’s problem is the aggro it generates.