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A collision led to Ryder being tagged back in.A suplex sent Ryder and Wilder to the floor while and necessitated the return of Hawkins to the match. Rousey se relève et pousse Charlotte en bas du ring. Big E et Woods en profitent pour faire leur finisher sur Rowan. Kofi entre dans un état second. Flair chopped Rousey, to which the Raw champion replied, "you chop like a b---h." Flair caught her with one to the face and Rousey tried for an armbar.Lynch returned to the squared circle and delivered a double DDT for a two count on both women.Moments later, she delivered a Bexploder suplex from the top rope to Flair.

Décès de Xavier, ancien catcheur de la ROH...

Cue the "whatcha gonna do...?"

As history tells us, Long Island Iced Z has a difficult time holding on to titles once he wins them.Superstars with nothing else better to do, including The Hardy Boyz, Andrade, Jinder Mahal, Ali, Bobby Roode and Chad Gable, joined Jost and Che wasted no time bailing to the floor and hiding under the ring as all hell broke loose.Superstars were dumped early and often as guys like Tyler Breeze, Shelton Benjamin and Lince Dorado were tossed to the floor. WWE Wrestlemania 35: Results, ratings, surprises and new champions.

A big slam and suplex turned the tide in Lashley's favor.It was short-lived, as Balor unloaded on Lashley and returned the match to the squared circle. Phoenix countered and tried for the Glam Slam but found herself sent into the corner, where she tagged The Queen of Harts.Natalya grounded the champions and applied a double Sharpshooter. He's not wrong.This was exactly what we thought it would be, with Strowman silencing the No story beyond Strowman vs. Jost and Che makes this one of the worst incarnations of this annual match.WrestleMania 35 hostess Alexa Bliss kicked off the show by admitting, with a snap of her fingers, she could control the fate of the show. The opposition paired up and sent Flair through the table before engaging in the intense brawl fans wanted to see in this spot in the first place.As Rousey hoisted Lynch up for Piper's Pit, Lynch shifted her weight and scored the pinfall victory on a crucifix. A double Natural Selection earned Flair two near-falls. Bientot ils feront voter le public de beaufs americains en direct pour choisir les champions au vu des victoires de becky kingston tres ... populaires etc (bon kingston belle recompense pour lui j etais content et quel match des vrais beaux catcheurs le koffy et bryan magnifique en hell) chapeau au miz et mac vraiment incroyables !!! Le commentaire a été modifié il y a il y a environ 1 an par

WrestleMania 35 se termine avec une célébration de la nouvelle double championne Becky Lynch.Totalement d accord avec maverick !! He delivered a powerbomb of his own and delivered the Coup de Grace for the win and the Intercontinental title.Balor defeated Lashley to win the Intercontinental ChampionshipBalor brought The Demon out, and he obliterated Lashley (for the most part) and took the title.It was exactly what it needed to be. Andrade eliminated Kalisto, then survived a German suplex to send Gable out.Otis Dozovic and Tucker Knight eliminated The Ascension, but the resurgent Strowman cleaned house, sending the NXT exports to the floor. Les animateurs de SNL Michael Che et Colin Jost qui étaient cachés sous le ring sortent et aident les Hardy, mais Strowman réussit finalement à repousser tout le monde et balance les Hardy en dehors du ring. Michael Che tente de s'enfuire, mais Strowman le rattrape et l'élimine avec une bonne droite.

John Cena returned as The Doctor of Thuganomics to upstage Elias at WrestleMania 35. Il y a eu de bons matchs, des matchs moyens et de mauvais, comme tous les ans certes, mais l'impression globale fut plus satisfaisante, pour moi, que les WM de ces dernières années. Tom Phillips exclaimed. Unfortunately for The Pirate Princess, Riott delivered a superkick that eliminated her.The Riott Squad teamed up to drop Vega and Asuka before surrounding Brooke and bullying her.

La 35 e édition de WrestleMania (chronologiquement connu comme WrestleMania XXXV) est un des plus gros show de catch (lutte professionnelle) produite par la World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), une fédération de catch américaine, qui est télédiffusée, visible en paiement à la séance, sur le WWE Network ainsi que sur la chaîne de télévision française AB1 et belge ABXplore.

Batista enchaine avec son Batista Bomb et le couvre, mais Triple H résiste à deux !

Batista prend la masse, mais Triple H le repousse avec son pied. Goldberg est sous contrat avec la WWE jusqu'en...

If that is the case, why not scrap the match or find a replacement for Joe, like Ali?This was more insulting than anything for both men and a major disappointment for the champion, who had his first taste of 'Mania in forgettable fashion.Roman Reigns battled Drew McIntyre in only the second Raw match of the night.From the opening bell, an aggressive Reigns took the fight to the Scot, hammering away at his foe with hard rights.

Meanwhile, The Riott Squad teamed up and eliminated The Ravishing Russian.Back in the ring, Sane delivered her elbow drop to Logan. Creating space between them worked, as he caught Triple H coming off the ring apron and dropped him with a side suplex on the announce table.Batista controlled the action, pummeling his mentor and unleashing years of pent-up frustration. WrestleMania 35 hostess Alexa Bliss kicked off the show by admitting, with a snap of her fingers, she could control the fate of the show. – On retrouve Alexa Bliss dans son salon en coulisse.

Batista frappe Triple H contre le coin, mais Triple H lui fait une Powerbomb sur la marche d'acier.