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But I can hardly wait To touch and to feel you, mama Oh, I just can't keep away In the heat and the steam of the city

Mama Lyrics: I can't see you mama / But I can hardly wait / Ooh, to touch and to feel you mama / Oh, I just can't keep away / In the heat and the steam of the city / Oh, it's got me running and
WJMTV 1,344,396 views.

Phil Collins & Genesis ~ Mama Lyrics: I can't see you, mama. 7:30. 108 videos Play all '80s Sing-Alongs YouTube Music; Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight Live 720p & HQ Audio - … Genesis - Mama (Long Version) - Duration: 7:30. Genesis, From mama tour Lyrics: I can't see you mama Bbut I know you're always there Ooh to touch and to feel you mama Oh I just can't keep away It's the heat and the steam of the city Oh its got me running and I just can't brake So say you'll help me mama Cos its getting so hard Now I can't keep you mama But I know you're always there Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.