Getting 4000 Watch-Hours and 1000 YouTube Subscribers They’ll pay more if they see a high number of likes or comments. Because YouTube starts reviewing Monetization applications manually and due to shortage of YouTube Monetization team and on other side having huge number of applications for reviews. Now, he can make money on his videos once more.
Now let's say that you've applied for the YouTube Partner Program, but you've been rejected. If you want to … YouTube’s monetization policy changes from time to time and that can seem scary. ; Merchandise shelf: Your fans can browse and buy official branded merchandise that’s showcased on your watch pages. And like in baseball, three strikes and the channel is banned for life. And one more final thing, if you are already in the YouTube Partner Program, and if your channel falls below 4,000 hours of Watch Time, YouTube won't automatically remove you from the partner program, but they can do it at their discretion. There is no YouTube Monetization until the channel gets 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time. As such, YouTube has initiated a lot of policies to ensure action is taken against bad actors like these.
But with great power comes an insane amount of conditions, limitations and issues.After Google bought YouTube in 2006, it started working on a way for video creators to earn money from their videos. Essentially, if you use other people's work, then you could be using copyrighted material without their permission, and YouTube does not want you to do that.
They are “Revenue” and “Ad Rates”. This one is pretty straightforward, it doesn't matter how long it takes you to get to 1,000 subscribers, once you hit that milestone, you've reached that requirement. Our reviewers regularly check to see if monetizing channels follow these policies. The new policies/rules stated that for a channel to be able to monetize its videos, it must have at least 4000 hours of total watch time in a 12 month span and a minimum of 1000 subscribers.This move was made completely out of self-preservation: to protect the company and the platform. That means channels where content is only slightly different from video to video are not allowed to monetize. But even now, people are moving away from the platform, finding They also consistently implore people to use branding initiatives on their video content and, recent policy changes aside, inspires people to create awesome videos. Note that our reviewers can, and may check other parts of your channel to see if it fully meets our policies. This made YouTube to create a New rule in 2018, with 10,000 lifetime views with 1000 subscribers, only then they will be eligible to enter into the YouTube Partnership Program.These rules already affected 99% of them and were making less than $100 per year. If you want a much more detailed video on the topic of 4,000 hours specifically, check out this video:If you want to check the progress of above requirements, you can do so by clicking on your logo in the top right-hand corner of most YouTube pages, and then clicking on YouTube Studio Beta.
Our reviewers check content that best represents your channel against our policies. The are four golden rules to making money on YouTube, and they are:Commonly known as the YouTube Partner Program, or YPP for short, you'll need to hit all four requirements before your channel will be accepted.Let's start with the 1,000 subscribers. YouTube generally works on the first-come-first-serve basis and hence there is almost always a queue. The answer is probably no, it definitely won't prevent you, but it is going to have an impact. Make sure you read each policy thoroughly, as these policies are used to check if a channel is suitable to monetize.