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There have been frequent reports of weapon bearers killing civilianThose who are not subject to violence must contend with poverty, famine, and disease.

Rape is being used as a weapon of war, and large-scale plunder and murder are also occurring North and South Kivu, on the DRC/Rwanda border. Adjunct Senior Fellow for Africa Studies In this genocide, groups of hard-linemilitant Hutus, known as the Interahamwe, slaughtered ethnic Tutsis and politically moderate Hutus. World Without Genocide is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Congolese Leader Long Overstays His WelcomeThey're Killing Babies and Torching Villages: Who Is Behind The Democratic Republic of Congo's Ugly New WarTrench War: The Factions That Make Up DR Congo’s Fragmented LandscapeSuspected Cases of Ebola Rise to 29 in Democratic Republic of Congo"500 People Killed" in DR Congo's Kasai in Five MonthsDR Congo's Kasai Conflict: Voodoo Rebels Take on KabilaJason Stearns, Koen Vlassenroot, Kasper Hoffmann, and Tatiana CarayannisFrom Mandate to Mission: Mitigating Civilian Harm in UN Peacekeeping Operations in the DRCCongo A 'Powder Keg' As Security Forces Crack Down On Whistling DemonstratorsA Nuanced but Firm Political Approach for DR Congo’s Decisive AutumnA Looming Calamity in the Democratic Republic of CongoCongo’s President Is Preparing for War Against His Own PeopleThe U.N. Is Caught in a Trap as Kabila Angles for Third Term in DRCThe Truth About United States’ Complicity in DRC’s Fraudulent ElectionAfrican Leaders Must Act to Stop Electoral Fraud in CongoKabila Will Not Stand in Elections, but Will Congo Really Change?Enhancing U.S. Support for Peace Operations in AfricaU.S. Please check the captcha. An estimated  million people have been displaced within the DRC and have become refugees in neighboring Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda.The prevalence of rape and other forms of sexual violence is considered the worst in the world.

In 1996invaded eastern Congo, thus starting the First Congo WarThe Second Congo War, or African World War, began in 1998.Kabila distanced himself from his original alliance with Rwanda and] Neighboring African countries then intervened on both sides. The African Union, United Nations, and neighboring countries have  In neighboring North Kivu province there has been cannibalism by a group known as Les Effaceurs (“the erasers”), who wanted to clear the land of people to open it up for mineral exploitation. MONUC was renamed MONUSCO in July 2010 to demonstrate a new phase in the country mandated to protect civilians and also help in the reconstruction of the country. Kabila distanced himself from his original alliance with Rwanda and Uganda and, a week later, Rwanda invaded eastern Congo for various reasons. Aside from the severe physical and psychological trauma experienced by rape victims, sexual violence has contributed to the spread of sexuallyIn 2003, Sinafasi Makelo, a representative of Mbuti , told the UN’s Indigenous People’s Forum that, during the war, his people were hunted down and eaten as though they were game animals. Violence is especially prevalent in the East, which is rich in minerals, diamonds, and timber.The Lord’s Resistance Army has expanded its operations from northern Uganda into the DRC.

Protestors argue with a police officer as they wait to cast their ballot at a polling station in Kinshasa during the Democratic Republic of Congo’s general election on December 30, 2018. Adjunct Senior Fellow for African Peace and Security Issues / Since 1996, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC; Congo) has been embroiled in violence that has killed as many as 6 million people.